Sunday, January 18, 2015

~No Better Way To Spend a Saturday Night~

I can't think of any better way to spend a Saturday evening than at the temple with these 2 handsome guys.
It was Hunters first time being to the temple to do baptisms for the dead.  I'm glad we got to be there together as a family.  It really was such a neat evening.

Friday, January 16, 2015

~Winter Dance Recital~

The girls did such a good job in their dances at their dance recital last night.  They really are such good dancers!
Mckell's comp group did a witch dance to the songs "I put a Spell on You" and "Bewitched".  It was a darling dance.  Garrett couldn't wait to see it.  All night he kept asking "witches?" wondering when Mckell was going to dance.  It was cute!  Lexi danced to "Little Red Riding hood"  She did such a great job!  It was fun to watch the 2 of them.

At the end of the recital, they had an awards ceremony.  Each of the recreation dance teachers picked 1 girl from their class who either was a hard worker, most improved, always happy, etc. to give a dancer of the month award to.  Lexi got it from her class for being a hard worker.  She was so proud of her award!  Way to Go Lexi!!!!
I know I've said it before, but my kids are so lucky to have both sets of grandparents around to support them in their activities.  It is fun to have them join us for things like this.
We celebrated a job well done with dinner at Dylans.
You can't have a dance recital without giving the dancer flowers.  The girls always look forward to this.  This time they got so many flowers that they each needed 2 vases to fit them in.

~Environmental Center~

Lexi's cute Kindergarten class went on a fieldtrip to the Environmental Center.  She lucked out cause Dave went on the fieldtrip with her.  Lucky!!!!  That's at least what Mckell thought :).  She said it wasn't fair because Dave has never gone on a fieldtrip with her or Hunter. I guess Dave has got some making up to do, lol.
They learned about animals hibernating, went sledding, and went snow shoeing.  They had a ton of fun!  They even got to eat lunch, which for kindergarteners is a novelty.

Lexi with her buddy Ty.  She was not a fan of snow shoeing, lol.  When she got home to tell me about her fieldtrip she said, " I didn't like snow shoeing.  You had to walk the whole time."  Lol.  She must get to many rides on Dave's and grandpa's shoulders when we go places :)

What a fun fieldtrip!

Saturday, January 3, 2015

~We Have Been Blessed~

It is crazy to see another year come and go.  As I look back on 2014, I realize how truly blessed we have been.  We made many great memories this year, from our family trip to Disneyland to fun family outings that we have gone on.  Looking back to how the year started with Dave's health issues from stress at work, I have to say how grateful I am that this year ended on a good note.  I am so grateful for each member of our family.  They are my whole world and bring me so much happiness.
Some highlights for 2014 were:
The Ogden Temple was rededicated.  It was so neat that we were able to go as a family to walk through it. Then Dave, Hunter, Mckell, and I were able to go to the temple dedication inside the Ogden temple.  That is an experience I'll never forget, and I hope my kids won't either.  I know they felt the spirit.
Lexi graduated from preschool and moved into Kindergarten.  She is growing up!
Dave and Jerry continue to coach Hunters basketball team the Redhawks.  They are a fun group of boys!
Mckell survived getting her tonsils out, as well as, getting her first root canal.  Tough summer for Mckell, lol.
Our family had an awesome time in Disneyland, going on camping trips, and making a few trips down to St George.
Dave had to have 2 different surgeries to have 2 kidney stones removed.  Not really a highlight, but memorable, especially since it had been many, many years since his last kidney stone.  Let's hope we can go all of 2015 without him having one :)
Hunter turned 12 and got the priesthood.  He will be passing the sacrament for his first time next week.
We truly have been blessed this past year.  I love this family of mine, and look forward to what 2015 brings.

~New Years Eve~

I love that years ago we started a tradition of getting together with some neighbors to ring in the new year.  The group has expanded a bit, and the venue has changed, but I love this tradition.  We have so much fun!
The candy bar game is always a favorite!
Even this little guy stayed up to ring in the new year.  His 6:00-8:00 nap helped :)
And we all love the quarter game.  We have played these 2 games for New Years since we started this tradition.  New Years Eve isn't New Years Eve without these 2 games.

Kaden was the winner of the quarter game this year.  I love that someone different wins every year.
Lexi barely made it until 12:00.  She was out cold like at 12:10.  In fact everyone was still there when she passed out.  Lol.  She is my child who can fall asleep anywhere.  It was a fun night, and a great way to ring in the new year.

~Date Night at the Jazz Game~

My dad got tickets to the Jazz game, so they invited Dave and I, and Richard and Cassie to join them.  It was a lot of fun.  They fed us and amazing all you can eat dinner, we had row 2 seats right at center court, and we even got treats served at half time.  Such a fun night!  And to top it all off the Jazz won!!!
This is what we came home to.  Our kids zonked out on the couches.  Such cuties!!!

Friday, January 2, 2015

~Happy 12th Birthday Hunter!!!~

Wow, I can believe my baby is officially a young man!  It is crazy how fast time goes!
Here are a few facts about Hunter on his 12th birthday:
Height- 61 3/4 inches (so just shy of 5 ft 2 in) 80-85th%
Weight- 88 lbs - 50th%
Favorite Sport- Basketball (he goes to the gym everyday to practice)
Favorite Food-  steak, pizza, and ramen noodles
Favorite Subject in school- recess (I don't think that counts as a subject)
Favorite pass times- basketball, hanging out with friends, working out, and video games
The party celebrations continued today.  Our family got up early to take Hunter to IHOP for a birthday breakfast.  We then opened all his gifts, and then he, Dave, and Mckell went to see Mockingjay.
Hunter got more clothes, ping pong paddles and ping pong balls, decorations for his room, and church ties.
That evening we had a big party for all of the family at Fat Cats.
We bowled, ate pizza, opened gifts, and played in the arcade.  It was a fun night.

I think Hunter was sick of me taking pictures, cause he was starting to be a smart-alic and purposely turning his head to not be looking at the pictures.  The little butt :)
Hunter had a great birthday!  We had more celebrations the following day, when he received the priesthood.  We had everyone over afterward for a luncheon. (don't know why I didn't get any pictures).  It was a whole weekend of birthday celebrations!  Happy Birthday Hunter!