Saturday, December 6, 2014

~The Polar Express Christmas Party~

For our ward Christmas party this year the youth were in charge.  We decided to do the theme Polar Express.  All the youth helped make the decorations and I think the gym turned out beautiful!  We had a d.j. play Christmas music, had a kids area with activities and the movie Polar Express, and the young men served us hot cocoa.  We even had a special visit from Santa.  It was a fun morning visiting with friends and neighbors.
Ethan is so cute with Garrett!  He even cut his ham up for him.
Garrett loved the train!
Garrett was terrified of Santa.  You would never guess it from this picture, but he had a smile for the camera and when I was done taking the picture he immediately started crying, lol.
We have the BEST neighborhood and ward!  It is really fun visiting with them.

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