Friday, December 5, 2014

~6th Grade Science Fair~

Hunter and Davis teamed up again this year for their science fair project.  For their project, they decided to see if smiles were really contagious.  They did some research, and thought they'd see for themselves.  One Saturday we headed down to the new Smith's Marketplace to smile at people and see if they would smile back.
It really was hilarious watching Hunter and Davis, with their clipboards smiling at people.  The rule was they had to make eye contact first, then smile.  Their smiles got pretty cheesy at times, in fact, one man asked Davis if he was OK? LOL.  As I followed Hunter around I noticed that a lot of people would just look away from him as he smiled at them, then they would look at me and smile :).  There must have been something about having a kid smile at you that made a lot of adults look away instead of smiling back at him.  So their results were that a smile isn't contagious, even though the scientific research proved that it was.
Hunter and Davis ended up tying for 1st place in the Science Fair.  Whoot! Whoot!  Their project will go on to Weber State to be judged against other 6th graders in the community.
You may be wondering why their projects title is "The Ebola Smile" (they came up with that one all on their own).  For their question, they said that they wanted to find out if smiles were as contagious as Ebola.  I guess you can tell what they have been discussing in their World Current Events class.  They were pretty proud of their title.
If we would have thought/known they were going to win. we would have had them dress up a little more for the presentation, lol.

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