Monday, December 15, 2014

~Ropelato Christmas Party~

It is always fun getting together with the Ropelato side of the family.  Scott and Erin hosted the Christmas Party this year.  We had fun visiting, watching the kids play together, having a special visit from Santa, and watching the kids perform the Nativity.
I love how all the cousins can not see each other for a year, and still come together and play like it was just yesterday.
Such cute kids!

It took Garrett a little bit to warm up to the idea of going up to sit on Santa's lap.  Luckily, his name was called toward the end, so when Santa called it, he was ok with going up there to get his picture taken, and his gift.  Santa brought everyone socks.  It is a fun tradition to get socks at the Ropelato party.

Kids getting ready for the Nativity.  Hunter as the Karate Kid Wiseman :)
The 3 Wisemen

Garrett was one of the sheep.
Mya and Lexi as angels.
All the angels.
Mckell was a shepherd.
Hunter was a good sport to participate in the Nativity.

The girls sporting their new Christmas socks.  It was a fun evening!

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