Monday, December 15, 2014

~Smeding Christmas Party~

Tis the time of the season for parties!  We had the Smeding Christmas party at our house again this year.  I was planning on taking lots of pictures, but I think I was so busy running around making sure everything was taken care of, that I didn't take a whole lot of pictures.  I really need to make an effort at our next party.  Also, I decided I need to socialize more.  I really felt that I didn't get to visit really with anyone, cause like I said I was running around.  Throwing a party is a lot of work, lol.
 The kids all waiting for their turn to see Santa.
Santa and his helper brought Lexi a Barbie doll.
Garrett had no problem sitting on Santa's lap this go around.  He ran right up there. Santa brought him a car.
Mckell got nail polish.

Hunter got 2 jump ropes.  He is big into working out right now.

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