Sunday, May 11, 2014

~Preschool Graduation~

Lexi and her classmates did the cutest program at Preschool Graduation.  Lexi has absolutely LOVED preschool!  She has had the cutest teachers this year, Ms. Jodi & Ms. Hali.  Lexi is reading books and is a little social butterfly at school.  I was so proud of her tonight!
Her preschool had their program at Weber High School.  I really wish I could post videos of Lexi.  She was singing her heart out.  In fact, the little boy in front of her covered his ears at one point because Lexi was singing so loud.  LOL, she was so fun to watch!

The Little Graduates: Melyn, Lexi, and Andrew.

I hope my kids realize how lucky they are to have Grandparents who can attend all of their special events.
We missed Dave at Lexi's graduation.  He missed out!  I know he wished he could have been there.  Instead of the graduation, he was in the hospital with a kidney stone :(  Poor guy!
Wednesday night before bed Dave mentioned that he thought he had a kidney stone.  It was kind of hurting but not too bad.  He took a pain pill and went to bed.  At about 2:30 am, he woke me up saying that he was in extreme pain and that he needed to go to the ER.  I got up and started to get dressed, when Dave mentioned that he couldn't move, and that I needed to call the ambulance.  Well me being the nice wife that I am told him no.  He could try to make it to the car and I would drive him to the ER.  I figured the paramedics would have made him move anyway, and this way we could save money :)  I know I'm a meany!  It took us about an hour until Dave finally could make it to the car.  When we got to the ER, they confirmed he had a kidney stone.  They gave him some pain meds and sent us on our way.  It was a rough night and next day.  The pain meds did not work.  Dave was in extreme pain still, even with the pain meds.  We decided to go see the urologist.  They couldn't get him in until the next morning, so we spent another sleepless night.  We arrived at the dr office early the next morning.  The doctor could see Dave was in extreme pain, and immediately admitted Dave into the hospital. They couldn't do the surgery until the following afternoon, so Dave spent 2 days at the hospital, missing Lexi's preschool graduation.  We missed him there!  But surgery went well.  It took a little bit to get the stone out.  It had attached itself to the kidney wall, so the dr basically had to chip away at it.  But he got it.  Dave is still pretty sore.  We are hoping he will start feeling better in a day or two.

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