Thursday, May 8, 2014

~Happy Birthday Baby!~

My baby is now 2 years old.  Garrett is such a sweet boy, and adds so much fun to our family.
Garrett is always happy.  He loves to laugh, play outside with the neighbor kids, and watch his "shows".  His favorite shoes right now are Cars, Finding Nemo, Toy Story, and The Lion King.  He loves to chase his brother and sisters around the house growling, as if he is scaring them.  He is so curious and always into everything right now.  Whether it be dumping a whole box of cereal on the kitchen floor to going through the house taking all the pillows off the couches and throwing them on the floor.  I've just had to learn to give up on having a clean house for the time being :)  Garrett likes to get in to everything :)  I know I will miss this stage one day (at least that is what I keep telling myself, lol)  Garrett gives the best hugs and can always make you smile.  I am so grateful that he was sent to our family.
We had Grandma and Grandpa Ropelato over on his birthday to celebrate.

Grandma and Grandpa Ropelato gave Garrett some Woody and Buzz Lightyear PJs.  He loved them!

When Grandma and Grandpa Ropelato got home from their trip they came and celebrated Garrett's birthday with him, too.
So Happy Birthday my little "May the 4th be with You" baby.  He is so much fun!  We Love You Garrett!

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