Friday, May 16, 2014

~Lexi's Last Day of Preshcool~

Lexi has had the BEST preschool teachers ever!  She has had such a good experience at preschool this year.  She loves all her friends that she has made, she loves to learn, and she is really going to miss her teachers.  She LOVED them!  And she truly felt that they loved her too.  Ms. Hali and Ms. Jodi were awesome teachers and so cute with the kids.
I meant to only get a picture of Lexi with her teachers, but Garrett felt that he needed to be  part of the picture too, lol.
For Lexi's last day of school, they went to a park to have lunch and have a little schools over party!  She thought this was great, and couldn't wait to be able to bring her own lunch to school like Hunter and Mckell do.  I can't believe she is ready to start Kindergarten.

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