Monday, May 26, 2014

~Memorial Day Weekend~

Since school was officially out, we decided to celebrate with a trip up to Browne Lake in the Uintah's.  We went with our little family, Marc and Randee's family, and Jeff and Becky's family.  We had a lot of fun!  It was a really good get away, and what made it even better for Dave was there was no cell service up there, so he was totally disconnected from work, which I think was really good for him.  That is until he got within cell range again :)
The kids had a lot of fun playing with their cousins.  There was a small river flowing through camp that they liked to play by.  Garrett fell in it the first day there, and it was freezing!  I thought he would have learned his lesson and steered clear of the river.  But no.  He loved throwing sticks and rocks in it, and really just wanted to be playing with the big kids.  Luckily it wasn't very big or very deep.

Hunter had a lot of fun shooting his gun at targets and stuff.
We played some fun games, went on some great 4 wheeler rides, and ate tons of yummy food.
Dave made the best dutch oven peach cobbler.  Sooo good!

Mckell learned to drive a 4 wheeler all by herself this trip.  Once she learned, it was all we could do to get her off the 4 wheelers.  She wanted to ride all the time.  :)  I'm glad she had fun and she did a really good job for being her first time.
This has been Garrett's first real time riding the 4 wheelers.  He LOVED every minute of it.  He is such a boy.  He loved riding the 4 wheelers, running around pretending he was shooting things, and throwing rocks.  He was so funny to watch.
On one of our 4 wheeler rides, Dave noticed a waterfall off in the distance, so we hiked through tons of deadfall to see it :)  As I was hiking up the mountainside over fallen trees, I lost my balance and fell backwards.  I tried to catch myself, but there was nothing to grab, so I ended up falling straight on my back, feet in the air. Luckily I didn't get hurt at all.  I fell in a bed of pine branches, which was pretty lucky because there were sticks and jagged trees everywhere.

The last day we found some fun hiking trails. 
We wish we would have found them sooner, so we could have gone on a fun hike.  I guess we will have to remember for next time.
We had a great time this weekend.  I think it was really good for Dave to get away from work.  The kids had a blast and were sad that we had to leave to come home.  They had more stuff they wanted to do.  I guess we will have to plan another camping trip soon :).

~It's Been A Great School Year~

So another school year has ended and summer has begun.  Hunter and Mckell had a great school year this year.  They loved their teachers, had some good friends in their classes, and learned a lot.  I'm sad to see them grow another year older, but am so ready for summer!
Mckell with her 3rd grade teacher, Mrs. Filiaga
Hunter with his 5th grade teacher, Mr. Bird.  Mr. Bird lucked out this year to have Hunter both in his school class, as well as, in his scout group :)  Lucky Guy!

Friday, May 16, 2014

~5th Grade Program~

Hunter's 5th grade class did a fun 5th grade program.  They played their recorders, shared talents, and shared what they did throughout the year.  It was fun to watch.
Garrett loved watching Hunter sing!  He loves his big brother.

~Lexi's Last Day of Preshcool~

Lexi has had the BEST preschool teachers ever!  She has had such a good experience at preschool this year.  She loves all her friends that she has made, she loves to learn, and she is really going to miss her teachers.  She LOVED them!  And she truly felt that they loved her too.  Ms. Hali and Ms. Jodi were awesome teachers and so cute with the kids.
I meant to only get a picture of Lexi with her teachers, but Garrett felt that he needed to be  part of the picture too, lol.
For Lexi's last day of school, they went to a park to have lunch and have a little schools over party!  She thought this was great, and couldn't wait to be able to bring her own lunch to school like Hunter and Mckell do.  I can't believe she is ready to start Kindergarten.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

~The Best Job In The World!!!~

I am so grateful to be the mother of these 4 amazing kiddos.  They are such good kids and make me so proud.  I am truly blessed to have them in my life teaching me how to be more Christlike.  They make me happy!
I have the sweetest girls in the world!  Since Dave was out of commission with just having surgery, the girls took it upon themselves to make sure I had breakfast in bed.  Mckell set her alarm for 6:00am and woke everyone up to make me breakfast.  They made me strawberries n milk.  And had a big glass of ice cold Diet Dr Pepper.  I love that they were thinking about how to make my day great.  I love them!
Being a mom is the best job in the whole world!

~Preschool Graduation~

Lexi and her classmates did the cutest program at Preschool Graduation.  Lexi has absolutely LOVED preschool!  She has had the cutest teachers this year, Ms. Jodi & Ms. Hali.  Lexi is reading books and is a little social butterfly at school.  I was so proud of her tonight!
Her preschool had their program at Weber High School.  I really wish I could post videos of Lexi.  She was singing her heart out.  In fact, the little boy in front of her covered his ears at one point because Lexi was singing so loud.  LOL, she was so fun to watch!

The Little Graduates: Melyn, Lexi, and Andrew.

I hope my kids realize how lucky they are to have Grandparents who can attend all of their special events.
We missed Dave at Lexi's graduation.  He missed out!  I know he wished he could have been there.  Instead of the graduation, he was in the hospital with a kidney stone :(  Poor guy!
Wednesday night before bed Dave mentioned that he thought he had a kidney stone.  It was kind of hurting but not too bad.  He took a pain pill and went to bed.  At about 2:30 am, he woke me up saying that he was in extreme pain and that he needed to go to the ER.  I got up and started to get dressed, when Dave mentioned that he couldn't move, and that I needed to call the ambulance.  Well me being the nice wife that I am told him no.  He could try to make it to the car and I would drive him to the ER.  I figured the paramedics would have made him move anyway, and this way we could save money :)  I know I'm a meany!  It took us about an hour until Dave finally could make it to the car.  When we got to the ER, they confirmed he had a kidney stone.  They gave him some pain meds and sent us on our way.  It was a rough night and next day.  The pain meds did not work.  Dave was in extreme pain still, even with the pain meds.  We decided to go see the urologist.  They couldn't get him in until the next morning, so we spent another sleepless night.  We arrived at the dr office early the next morning.  The doctor could see Dave was in extreme pain, and immediately admitted Dave into the hospital. They couldn't do the surgery until the following afternoon, so Dave spent 2 days at the hospital, missing Lexi's preschool graduation.  We missed him there!  But surgery went well.  It took a little bit to get the stone out.  It had attached itself to the kidney wall, so the dr basically had to chip away at it.  But he got it.  Dave is still pretty sore.  We are hoping he will start feeling better in a day or two.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

~Happy Birthday Baby!~

My baby is now 2 years old.  Garrett is such a sweet boy, and adds so much fun to our family.
Garrett is always happy.  He loves to laugh, play outside with the neighbor kids, and watch his "shows".  His favorite shoes right now are Cars, Finding Nemo, Toy Story, and The Lion King.  He loves to chase his brother and sisters around the house growling, as if he is scaring them.  He is so curious and always into everything right now.  Whether it be dumping a whole box of cereal on the kitchen floor to going through the house taking all the pillows off the couches and throwing them on the floor.  I've just had to learn to give up on having a clean house for the time being :)  Garrett likes to get in to everything :)  I know I will miss this stage one day (at least that is what I keep telling myself, lol)  Garrett gives the best hugs and can always make you smile.  I am so grateful that he was sent to our family.
We had Grandma and Grandpa Ropelato over on his birthday to celebrate.

Grandma and Grandpa Ropelato gave Garrett some Woody and Buzz Lightyear PJs.  He loved them!

When Grandma and Grandpa Ropelato got home from their trip they came and celebrated Garrett's birthday with him, too.
So Happy Birthday my little "May the 4th be with You" baby.  He is so much fun!  We Love You Garrett!