Monday, April 21, 2014

~Pre- Easter Activities~

The day before Easter is always full of activities for us.  With visiting the Easter bunny at Lee's Marketplace, the Smeding girls family luncheon, then of course decorating Easter Eggs.  Holidays are so much fun!
Mckell and Lexi with the Lee's Easter Bunny.  Garrett wanted NOTHING to do with the Easter bunny.  He cried when we even tried to take him near him, lol.  Hunter was on a 8 mile hike, so he missed out on following the Bunny trail this year.
After filling our baskets with all kinds of goodies from Lee's, Mckell and I headed to the annual Smeding girls luncheon.  It was fun catching up with everyone.
It is a tradition that you wear a hat at the luncheon.  You'd think that after all these years I'd purchase a hat, but no I haven't.  Luckily my cousin Nicki brought hats for everyone, lol.  Thanks Nicki :)
The whole group
Funny faces
We ended the day with painting Easter eggs and watching The Ten Commandments.  Well, the girls painted Easter eggs.  Hunter wasn't interested in doing this at all, and Garrett just threw a tantrum and cried all night because I wouldn't let him drink the egg dye :)  The girls had fun though.

We are officially ready for Easter!

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