Tuesday, April 29, 2014

~Poor Mckell~

Yesterday at recess, Mckell was having a race with some friends going up and down the slides on the playground.  Well she ended up tripping and fell hitting her front tooth on one of the stairs.  It knocked her front tooth loose.  We headed straight for the dentist.  I was so worried that she had killed her front tooth (which is her permanent tooth).
This picture really doesn't do it justice.  You can see the chip in her tooth, but their was also crack, not to mention that the tooth was so out of place.  It was pushed back so that she could barely bite down without having the tooth in the way.  The doctor took xrays, numbed her mouth, and started pushing the tooth back into place when all of a sudden her whole tooth, root and all, popped out of her mouth.  I think it startled her more than hurt because she just started bawling.  The doctor quickly grabbed it and put it back in her mouth.  He was surprised it hurt her because her mouth was so numb, but we decided she was more upset about her tooth coming out than she really was in pain.  He wired her teeth together to hold the tooth in her mouth.  Afterward she thought it was cool cause it kind of looked like she had braces.

So now we are waiting to see if her tooth changes color and to see if it heals back into her mouth.  This is only the beginning. She will have to have a root canal and they will have to fix the chip in her tooth.  Poor thing.

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