Monday, April 21, 2014

~Hunter's 8 Mile HIke~

Hunter loves scouts, and was so excited to go on an 8 mile hike with all the boys to prepare for scout camp.  He wasn't sad at all to miss the Easter egg hunt.
Davis, Hunter, and Rexton. The 11 year old scouts.
The whole group.  We were told that the 11 year old scouts lead the pack on the hike.  They were always at the front and were moving at a pretty good pace.  The older boys kept making comments like "What are they like running up there?"  But they weren't going to let the "little" boys out do them, lol.  So they kept up with the 11 year olds.  The hike ended with lunch at Dylans.  Hunter had a blast!  I am so glad that he has such awesome young men to look up to.

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