Wednesday, April 30, 2014

~My Boys~

Garrett absolutely idolizes Hunter.  Tonight right before bed, Hunter was having his evening snack of cereal, and Garrett climbed  right up next to him and wanted to do what he was doing.  It was so cute watching the two of them eat their cereal together :)

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

~Poor Mckell~

Yesterday at recess, Mckell was having a race with some friends going up and down the slides on the playground.  Well she ended up tripping and fell hitting her front tooth on one of the stairs.  It knocked her front tooth loose.  We headed straight for the dentist.  I was so worried that she had killed her front tooth (which is her permanent tooth).
This picture really doesn't do it justice.  You can see the chip in her tooth, but their was also crack, not to mention that the tooth was so out of place.  It was pushed back so that she could barely bite down without having the tooth in the way.  The doctor took xrays, numbed her mouth, and started pushing the tooth back into place when all of a sudden her whole tooth, root and all, popped out of her mouth.  I think it startled her more than hurt because she just started bawling.  The doctor quickly grabbed it and put it back in her mouth.  He was surprised it hurt her because her mouth was so numb, but we decided she was more upset about her tooth coming out than she really was in pain.  He wired her teeth together to hold the tooth in her mouth.  Afterward she thought it was cool cause it kind of looked like she had braces.

So now we are waiting to see if her tooth changes color and to see if it heals back into her mouth.  This is only the beginning. She will have to have a root canal and they will have to fix the chip in her tooth.  Poor thing.

Monday, April 21, 2014


The Easter bunny came to our house and brought way too much candy!  He also brought the kids beach towels, a movie, church clothes, and a new swing set.  The kids were soooo excited, even thought it will not be here and assembled until mid may.
The kids love following the clues the Easter bunny leaves them to help them find their baskets.
Garrett was all about the candy.

I wanted to get pictures of my kids before church, but that didn't happen :)  They all looked so cute in their new Easter clothes.
Right after church we headed to Grandma and Grandpa Wangsgard's house for an Easter lunch and basket and egg hunt.
After having lunch with Grandma and Grandpa Wangsgard, we headed up to the Ropelato's for dinner and another Easter egg hunt.

Dave and Mckell were the big winners.  They each found over a $100.
We had a Easter full of fun and family.  Isn't that what the holidays are all about?  Fun and Family!

~Hunter's 8 Mile HIke~

Hunter loves scouts, and was so excited to go on an 8 mile hike with all the boys to prepare for scout camp.  He wasn't sad at all to miss the Easter egg hunt.
Davis, Hunter, and Rexton. The 11 year old scouts.
The whole group.  We were told that the 11 year old scouts lead the pack on the hike.  They were always at the front and were moving at a pretty good pace.  The older boys kept making comments like "What are they like running up there?"  But they weren't going to let the "little" boys out do them, lol.  So they kept up with the 11 year olds.  The hike ended with lunch at Dylans.  Hunter had a blast!  I am so glad that he has such awesome young men to look up to.

~Pre- Easter Activities~

The day before Easter is always full of activities for us.  With visiting the Easter bunny at Lee's Marketplace, the Smeding girls family luncheon, then of course decorating Easter Eggs.  Holidays are so much fun!
Mckell and Lexi with the Lee's Easter Bunny.  Garrett wanted NOTHING to do with the Easter bunny.  He cried when we even tried to take him near him, lol.  Hunter was on a 8 mile hike, so he missed out on following the Bunny trail this year.
After filling our baskets with all kinds of goodies from Lee's, Mckell and I headed to the annual Smeding girls luncheon.  It was fun catching up with everyone.
It is a tradition that you wear a hat at the luncheon.  You'd think that after all these years I'd purchase a hat, but no I haven't.  Luckily my cousin Nicki brought hats for everyone, lol.  Thanks Nicki :)
The whole group
Funny faces
We ended the day with painting Easter eggs and watching The Ten Commandments.  Well, the girls painted Easter eggs.  Hunter wasn't interested in doing this at all, and Garrett just threw a tantrum and cried all night because I wouldn't let him drink the egg dye :)  The girls had fun though.

We are officially ready for Easter!

Friday, April 18, 2014

~Family Celebration~

We had our family over to celebrate Mckell's birthday.  I let Mckell plan the menu and the games we'd play.  She even made the cupcakes :)
My kids favorite game to play is the candy bar game.  Mckell didn't even have to think about what game she wanted to play.  She knew.  Jocelyn and Dave were the big winners of the game.  I think they each had 4 or 5 candybars :)

Mckell had a fun night playing with her cousins.  I'm glad she had a good birthday :)

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Happy Birthday Beautiful Mckell!

Mckell turned 9 years old on Tuesday. Happy Birthday Mckell!
We surprised her with breakfast in bed.  Well, we tried to surprise her lol.  She woke up before breakfast was ready, so I told her to go back to bed for like 10 minutes, lol.
We let Mckell open all of her presents before school, which Hunter thought was totally unfair because we made him wait until evening, lol.  I guess I'd better work on being more fair :)
Mckell got the frozen soundtrack form Lexi, nail polish from Hunter and Garrett, clothes, and new swimsuit, shoes, and a new bike (her favorite gift).

Mckell is so beautiful.  I hope she always remembers that.  She is such a good helper to all of her siblings, she is always thinking of others, and is such a hard worker.  We are so lucky to have Mckell as part of our family!
I took Mckell out of school for a special birthday lunch.  I told her she could pick the place.  She chose Jimmy Johns :)  It is fun hanging out with Mckell.  I love her!