Thursday, March 27, 2014


Hunter is normally a pretty responsible kid.  Well a few weeks back he mentioned that he had a state report to do on Nevada, but that it wasn't due for a couple of weeks and that they'd work on it in class.  It totally slipped my mind.  I went to help in his class this Tuesday and noticed all of these decorated shoeboxes about different states.  I asked the girl I read with about it and she said that these were part of the reports and that they were due Tuesday,  What????  I knew nothing about this and I knew Hunter had not even begun to work on it.  I was soooo MAD!!!  And what made me madder was the girl told me the teacher told the class on Monday that if they hadn't begun to work on it, they'd really better start kicking it into high gear.  Hunter made the comment, "My mom will just do it".  (He swears he didn't say that, but why would this girl tell me he did?.  So I made a point to let him do most of the work on his own.  I did help here and there, but this project was his).  That day when he got home from school, I asked him if he had any homework.  His reply was "No. Just reading".  I asked again, "Are you sure you don't have any homework?"  He said "Nope".  Then I started yelling at him about this state report due in 2 days.  He immediately said "Oh Ya.  I forgot about that".  I really don't know how he could have forgotten about that.  His social studies teacher has been talking about it for weeks, they have been researching the state in social studies, and other students have begun bringing their projects in which are displayed in the halls.  I guess we need to work on his responsibility :(  Needless to say, we have been working our butts off trying to get this done.  We did, and it turned out pretty good.  Hunter was very happy with the finished product.
Hopefully he learned his lesson, that procrastination is not the best thing.  I Hope!!!

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