Saturday, March 22, 2014

~Lexi's Preschool Fieldtrip to the Treehouse~

We were lucky to have Grandma Wangsgard join us on Lexi's fieldtrip to the Treehouse Museum.  Lexi was so excited!  She even got chosen to go up and participate in the story/play of the 3 Billy Goats Gruff.  She was in heaven!
Lexi with her best friend Melyn.
Garrett LOVED playing with all the different playsets.  He wanted nothing to do with the camera.

Lexi is such a cutie!  At one point we couldn't find her and Andrew.  Lexi's teacher said she wasn't worried because Lexi was the most responsible one in their class, and she was sure they wouldn't be getting into trouble.  That is so Lexi!  We love her!

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