Saturday, March 22, 2014


We got Marley when Lexi was just shy of being a year old.  The kids saw him at Sportsman's Warehouse where Dave ran into a friend who was selling lab pups.  And the kids and Dave begged me for a dog.  I caved and Marley joined our family.
Lexi and Marley
Marley has been a good dog.  He's been really good with the kids and always wanted to play.
Well, the last couple of years Marley hasn't gotten the attention he deserved.  Dave and I decided that Marley deserved something better, and we put Marley up for sale hoping he'd find a good home where he'd get more attention than he was getting here.  And that is just what he found.  A family from Salem, Utah adopted Marley into their family.  They have a huge yard with a pond for Marley to play in.  It was sad to see him go (the girls cried their eyes out), but we know Marley is in a better place.  This cute family sent us pictures to reassure us that Marley was doing great.  I'm glad he went to a great home.
Marley with his new family.  When Mckell saw this picture she said, "Marley looks like he is in seventh heaven!"  We will miss him.
Our good times with Marley:

I know Garrett is especially going to miss seeing Marley at the back door. They were window buddies :)

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