Wednesday, December 31, 2014

~Wangsgard Christmas Party~

Tis the Season for Parties!  We had the Wangsgard party at our house again this year.  We had tons of food, fun watching the kids open their presents, and fun visiting with each other.
Garrett LOVED his present.  Woody and Buzz action figures.
Lexi got a backpack, coloring books, crayons, and a Sophia toy.
Mckell got Pajama pants and lotion.
Hunter got socks.
Mckell had fun playing they women's gift exchange game with Grandma
Fun night. But not the last party we will have.

~Lights at Temple Square~

My brother Richard and his family are visiting for Christmas, so my family planned a night to go see the lights at Temple Square.  It has been year since we have been there.  The lights were very pretty.
Lexi loved her tour of temple square on top of my dad's shoulders.  That is until she got separated from the group.  For some reason my dad kept wondering off on his own, which caused him to get separated from us.  There were so many people at Temple Square that it was hard to find him.  We kept having to stop and go look for him.  At one point Lexi got pretty nervous, cause when she found us her eyes watered up and she wanted down from Grandpa's shoulders so she could stay with us, lol.  We joked that we needed to get my dad a leash so he couldn't get lost.  Not sure if he appreciated that,lol
Garrett was more than happy to ride in Paisley's stroller since she didn't want too, lol.
We ended the night with dinner.  It was a fun evening.

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

~Girls Candy Making Night~

I love the tradition that we have with the girls of my family of getting together to make chocolates for the holidays.  It is fun that Mckell and Lexi get excited about doing it to.
Our finished product.  We have chocolate covered marshmallows, cinnamon bears, pretzels, caramels, nut and cashew clusters, and cookies dipped in white chocolate.  So yummy!

~Award in Merit~

Mckell's reflection project earned the Award of Merit in her dance to the song "Happy" for the Weber Council PTA reflections.  They had a special awards program for her the other night, where she earned a certificate and a treat.  I am so proud of her for going the extra mile to participate in things like this.

Monday, December 15, 2014

~Smeding Christmas Party~

Tis the time of the season for parties!  We had the Smeding Christmas party at our house again this year.  I was planning on taking lots of pictures, but I think I was so busy running around making sure everything was taken care of, that I didn't take a whole lot of pictures.  I really need to make an effort at our next party.  Also, I decided I need to socialize more.  I really felt that I didn't get to visit really with anyone, cause like I said I was running around.  Throwing a party is a lot of work, lol.
 The kids all waiting for their turn to see Santa.
Santa and his helper brought Lexi a Barbie doll.
Garrett had no problem sitting on Santa's lap this go around.  He ran right up there. Santa brought him a car.
Mckell got nail polish.

Hunter got 2 jump ropes.  He is big into working out right now.

~Ropelato Christmas Party~

It is always fun getting together with the Ropelato side of the family.  Scott and Erin hosted the Christmas Party this year.  We had fun visiting, watching the kids play together, having a special visit from Santa, and watching the kids perform the Nativity.
I love how all the cousins can not see each other for a year, and still come together and play like it was just yesterday.
Such cute kids!

It took Garrett a little bit to warm up to the idea of going up to sit on Santa's lap.  Luckily, his name was called toward the end, so when Santa called it, he was ok with going up there to get his picture taken, and his gift.  Santa brought everyone socks.  It is a fun tradition to get socks at the Ropelato party.

Kids getting ready for the Nativity.  Hunter as the Karate Kid Wiseman :)
The 3 Wisemen

Garrett was one of the sheep.
Mya and Lexi as angels.
All the angels.
Mckell was a shepherd.
Hunter was a good sport to participate in the Nativity.

The girls sporting their new Christmas socks.  It was a fun evening!