Thursday, August 22, 2013

~The Rodeo~

Every year my parents get tickets for the Rodeo for the entire family.  Since everyone is moving away, it was just my family and Christian who went this year with my parents.  We missed everyone, but still had a good time.
Lexi still wasn't feeling like herself from getting heat stroke up at Bear Lake, so Dave stayed home with her and Garrett.  Since we had an extra ticket, I let Mckell bring a friend in Lexi's place.
Ella & Mckell

It was funny because Becky's, my sister in law, family had tickets to the Rodeo that same night and they ended up sitting right by us.  There were like 2 or 3 people between us on the same row.  What are the odds?  Out of the entire arena, we ended up right by each other.  Mckell thought it was great to have her friends and cousins there.

It was a fun night, but we sure missed Dave, Lexi, and Garrett.

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