Wednesday, August 21, 2013

~Summer Games~

Hunter's Basketball team went down to Cedar City to play in the summer games. Pretty much everyone stayed at Jerry and Darinda's house, which was a lot of fun.  Everyone had a ton of fun riding 4 wheelers, swimming, playing video games, and yes playing basketball.
Calvin, Hunter, Jace, Brex, and Rexton getting ready for a 4 wheeler ride.

Cooling off in the shade. We took 2 rides an evening ride and a morning ride.  The morning ride really started to get hot as the day went on.  Any shade we could find, we stopped to enjoy.
The boys spent quite some time "warming up" for the game.  They had a blast working out in Jerry and Darinda's workout room.
Go Redhawks!
After our first game, a dad from the other team invited us to go and see some jets that his company made.  It was like a little fieldtrip.  He explained about the jets, let the boys get in one of the jets, and showed us how and where they were made.  Very interesting.

After our tour of the jet place, we headed for a team party at the Washington City pool.  We were a little bummed because Jerry and Darinda's pool was supposed to be finished for this week, but didn't get done.  So we did the next best thing and found this fun pool.  It really was so fun.  It had waterslides, a lazy river, a lap pool, a toy water area to play in, which dumped a big bucket of water on you, and a kids play area.  The area was half inside/half outside.  It was a ton of fun.

I had to get a picture of Garrett with his vampire teeth.  Such a crazy smile, lol.  But I love it!

You would have thought the boys would have been exhausted with a day full of 4 wheeling, basketball, tours, and swimming, but No!  They stayed up playing games.  They had so much fun!

 Kaden and Kolton were our team captains.  They kept stats of each boy.  Recorded how many rebounds, points, steels, stuffs, fouls, etc that each boy had.
All the girls (and Creed) decided to take a break from basketball to go get some ice cream.

One night, they had a basketball skills competition, where people of all ages came to compete against each other in free throws, three pointers, and a hot shot competition.  They gave medals to the top three winners in each age category.  It was a lot of fun!

They had music playing for the warm up of the competition.  Lexi walked right out to the middle of the gym, amidst all the ball players and started dancing, lol.  It cracked us all up!  She was the pre-show entertainment.
As the night winded down, some of us moms thought it might be fun to compete, even though we aren't really that good.  We hadn't noticed anyone our ages competing, so we thought it can't hurt, right.  It was so much fun laughing at ourselves.

 Hunter took 1st place in his age group for free throws.  He made 13 of 15 free throw shots.  Way to go Hunter!
Mckell got 3 silver medals, even though she never officially made a basket, lol.  There was one other girl competing in her category, so Mckell was pretty much guaranteed to medal.  She was so proud of herself and kept rubbing it in Hunters face that she got more medals than he did, lol.
These boys played hard and had fun.  One game we played was very physical.  Cannon got punched in the eye and thrown, literally thrown to the ground, Jace got taken out at the feet, Davis got pushed over, etc.  It was all from one cocky, little player that knew if he did it when a ref wasn't looking they couldn't call it on him.  Jerry almost got thrown out of the game for yelling at the ref, and Dave got yelled at because Andrea went on the court and yelled at the other coach for letting his boys play so dirty.  It was quite an intense game.  At one point we were down by 22 points, but our boys kicked it into gear and ended up bringing the game back up.  We only ended up loosing by 5, we all thought we were going to take this game.  We were so proud of our boys!  They played so hard!
I actually didn't end up medaling, hahaha.  But Jaycee and Andrea did.  Way to go Girls!  Next year I'm bringing my A game :)
It was a fun week, a lot going on, but fun to visit with the moms, and watch the boys have fun playing together.  Hunter loved having all his buddies stay with him at the house.  It was like a big sleep over :) He can't wait until next year!

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