Wednesday, August 21, 2013

~Happy Birthday Baby!~

My baby is 1!  I can't believe how fast this year has gone.  Garrett is such a fun little guy.  He is the happiest baby, always smiling.  I love to hear his laugh and love hearing him say "mom".   He brings so much joy to our family.  I can't imagine our family without him.  Happy Birthday Garrett!
We celebrated his birthday with 2 parties.  The first one was with the Ropelato side of the family.  We met up at Jerry and Darinda's house for a birthday party for Garrett and Abby.  The kids had fun playing outside with cousins, and talking around the fire.  Garrett wasn't much into opening presents, but he LOVED eating his cake, lol.  I guess that is why is is such a chunky little guy.  He loves chocolate, and was in heaven eating his cake.


Mckell was a good big sister and helped Garrett open all his presents. Like I said, he wasn't at all interested in opening presents.
I guess as we were out playing in the yard, some of Jerry and Darinda's nighborhood girls saw Hunter and thought he was cute.  They came over, giggling, to ask Jerry if Hunter wanted to play games with them.  I guess Hunter overheard this and took off running, lol.  He was hiding under trees from them.  Dave and Jerry ended up making Hunter come and sit by the fire and talk with them.  Darinda and I couldn't believe they were encouraging Hunter talking to girls.  Later that night Hunter told me that he had never been so scared of girls before in his whole life, lol.  Let's keep it that way Hunter :)
We also had a party with the Wangsgard side of the family at our house.  Lexi helped Garrett open his presents at this party, although I think he understood that there were things for him inside, so he was a bit more interested in the presents at this party.
I think Lexi thought it was just as much her birthday as it was Garrett's.  She loved playing with all his new toys.
Garrett had a GREAT 1st birthday!  My baby is growing up.

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