Wednesday, August 21, 2013

~Hike to Big Rock~

Everyone seems to have gone out of town for Memorial Day weekend, so we decided that we needed to do something fun with the kids, so they didn't get bored.  We decided to go on a family hike to Big Rock (Hunter needed to go on a hike for scouts).  I have not been to Big Rock before (funny since I grew up here in North Ogden), and didn't realize what kind of hike it was.  If I'd known, we probably wouldn't have gone on this particular hike being that we had Garrett to carry and Lexi with us.  It was quite the workout!
Mckell's all pumped up for the hike.
I started the hike by carrying Garrett.  I thought it would be a great workout.  Well, I didn't have him for long.  Luckily Dave was a good sport and took him from me.  I wouldn't have made it otherwise.
Stopping half way up to check out the view.

The trail really got steep.
Hunter and Marley beat us all to Big Rock.
This is how Dave ended our hike.  Carrying both Garrett and Lexi.  I honestly don't know how he did it.  I was dying just getting myself up and down from Big Rock.
Even though I'm sore from the hike, it was fun to spend time with the family.  This morning Lexi woke up crying that her legs hurt, lol.  I guess I'm not the only one sore from our family hike. :)

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