Thursday, August 22, 2013

~Back To School~

I can't believe that summer is over and its time to be back in school.  Mckell couldn't wait, but Hunter was dreading it.  Here are some pics of the kids on the 1st day of school.
Hunter is going into the 5th grade.  I can't believe it!  My baby is growing up to fast!  It is funny because on the 1st day of school last year, Hunter wore a University of Utah football jersey.  For whatever reason, this year he really wanted a BYU one.  This kid makes me laugh!
Mckell is going into 3rd grade.  She LOVES school!  This year school shopping with her was a little difficult.  I've realized that her and my taste are totally different.  We clashed on many things she wanted that I was no way going to buy.  I was a little worried that she wouldn't have anything to wear the 1st day of school, because we couldn't agree on anything. But after A LOT of looking around we finally found things we both could agree on.  I think she looks pretty darn cute!

Every year, the Deis family has a Back to School breakfast for all the neighborhood kids.  This is such a fun tradition!
Garrett especially thought this was great. He was in heaven eating his donut.
This is just a few of the kids who came.

Mckell is going to love being in Mrs. Filiaga's class.
Hunter has Mr. Bird.  Hopefully Mr. Bird doesn't get sick of Hunter.  He is both is Weblos leader and his teacher :)  Hunter did come home from school and say "Mom, my teacher is so funny! This year is going to ROCK!"

~End of Summer Swim Party~

For the last several years, we have had an end of summer swim party up at Jerry and Darinda's house for all of the neighborhood.  This year we decided that because some of us had Cherry Hill's season passes that we'd do the swim party there.  It was a lot of fun.  And today even the moms went down the water slides.

Mindy was nice to go down the slides with Lexi.  Lexi LOVES Mindy!

This is Trouble!
We have had so much fun going to Cherry Hills this year with the Mckay and the Cope families.  It really made the summer fun!

~New York Getaway~

I haven't gone with Dave in quite some time when he has had to go to New York for work, so we decided that it was about time I join him.  I was a little worried about what I was going to do all day by myself while he was at work.  But I found stuff to keep me busy.  I went shopping (a lot of shopping), got a pedicure, and went and saw "Jersey Boys" (which I loved).
Dave and I also went on a walk through Central Park, where I saw my first ever lightning bugs.  We went to a movie, visited Ground Zero, and just relaxed.  It was fun to get away, just the 2 of us, even though he worked most of the time, lol.

~The Rodeo~

Every year my parents get tickets for the Rodeo for the entire family.  Since everyone is moving away, it was just my family and Christian who went this year with my parents.  We missed everyone, but still had a good time.
Lexi still wasn't feeling like herself from getting heat stroke up at Bear Lake, so Dave stayed home with her and Garrett.  Since we had an extra ticket, I let Mckell bring a friend in Lexi's place.
Ella & Mckell

It was funny because Becky's, my sister in law, family had tickets to the Rodeo that same night and they ended up sitting right by us.  There were like 2 or 3 people between us on the same row.  What are the odds?  Out of the entire arena, we ended up right by each other.  Mckell thought it was great to have her friends and cousins there.

It was a fun night, but we sure missed Dave, Lexi, and Garrett.

~Bear Lake with the Thomas Family~

We literally got home from camping at Cherry Hills, then started packing up our camper for a camping trip to Bear Lake.  Dave's good buddy from High School invited us to go with his family on a camping trip to Bear Lake.  We stayed at the KOA up there, which was a lot of fun.  It had a pool, a playground, a jumping pillow, bike rides, games for the kids to play, and a hay ride (minus the hay).
 My girls loved that Kelly and Mechell had 2 girls around their same age to play with.

Hunter was doing some pretty cool tricks on the jumping pillow.  He was doing flips and all.

The kids loved the jumping pillow.

We thought it would be fun to go on a "bike ride".  I have never laughed so hard on a bike ride, lol.  I'm sure we looked as if we should have been in the circus.  The funniest was when we ran out of sidewalk and had to drive down the main street of Bear Lake.  We were driving amongst the cars and people all lined up to get something to eat.  The looks we got were hysterical.  Mechell and I couldn't stop laughing. Another funny thing was that there were times when Dave and Kelly were really the only ones who were pedaling, which I might add, was really hard.  To make it better.  Adalyn would pull the break so they were trying to pedal with the brake on, not knowing it was on.  Needless to say, it was a GREAT! workout.
Since there was no room for Hunter on the big bike, we had to rent this little one too.  Hunter was not complaining.  He had a blast, that is until he rolled it.  But he was a trooper and continued to ride it back to camp, even though is leg was all torn up.
You may be thinking we spent all of our time at the KOA, but no, we did make it to the lake.  Garrett was in heaven crawling throught the water and playing in the sand.

Poor little Lexi played for a good hour then got heat stroke.  She slept most of the day at the beach :(
It was such a fun little get a way, and was very much needed.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

~Cherry Hills Camp Out~

This year a few neighborhood families decided to get Cherry Hills Season passes.  It has been fun going weekly with the kids, the Copes, and the Mckays.  We thought it might be fun to try having a camp out one night and swim until the park closed, then swim right when it opened.  So we planned a camping trip.

I think my kids have been spoiled with our camper (especially the girls), because when I told them we were sleeping in a tent Mckell and Lexi both cried.  Literally cried, because they wanted the camper.  I thought it was funny because neither one of them had ever slept in a tent, so I couldn't understand why they were so upset about it.  We tried it, and they loved it.
Lexi and Melyn love playing in the lazy river.

 After the tent was set up, the girls thought it was great that we were having a camp out.  The dads came for dinner but it was just Mindy, Heidi, and I who ended up staying the night with the kids.  Dave even was nice and took Garrett home to sleep in his own bed.

The kids enjoying their breakfast. We had a lot of fun, and I was even able to go with the kids on all the water slides since I didn't have Garrett with me.  It was a fun camp out, something we will definitely have to do again.