Friday, April 17, 2015

~Mckell is 10~

Happy Birthday to my sweet Mckell!  10 years old!  Mckell is such a beautiful girl, inside and out.  She is always thinking about others and their feelings.  She is so sweet to her brothers and sister, and is such a mother to them all.  She is a great helper to Dave and me, she works so hard in school, and she is a great dancer, piano player, and artist. She brings so much joy to our family!  We love you Mckell!
We woke Mckell up with a family chorus of "Happy Birthday" and let Mckell open a few presents.  All of which were clothes, so she got to pick which outfit to wear.  Dave also got her her favorite breakfast, McDonalds bacon, egg, and cheese biscuits and hashrowns.  While she was at school her big present was delivered.  She knew she would get to see her big present when she got home from school, and couldn't wait.
Mckell's big present was a new bed, comforter, pillows, and some room decorations.  She totally wasn't expecting that.
Love Mckell's room!  I couldn't get a good angle to include her art desk.  Happy Birthday Kelly!
Mckell had a fun friend birthday party.  We went and got our hair and nails done at the ATC, came back for pizza, games, and a movie.  Such a fun group of girls! This is the before picture.
This is the after picture.  The girls had so much fun getting pampered.

Mckell had a great birthday.  The following evening we celebrated her birthday with family.
Mckell and Katelyn.

I am so not a cake person.  I planned banana splits for dessert not really thinking about blowing out candles, but luckily Darinda came through with a cake just for Mckell.  I'm really glad she thinks of those things.
Somewhere Mckell heard that in Mexico it is tradition to smash the birthday person in the face with their cake.  She asked if she could do this.  I told her its her birthday so of course.  She thought it was great, lol.

Mckell is so fun!  I love her fun loving personality!  Happy 10th Birthday!

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