Friday, October 3, 2014


For Young Women's, we went repelling off of Big Rock.  The hike up there was killer!  Especially since we didn't stop to break once, lol.  I guess I'm just used to stopping and waiting for little ones :)  but we made it to the top.  I realized how out of shape I truly am.  At the top, we harnessed up and began repelling off of it.  There were 2 ropes.  One was for everyone to try, the other was the more advanced rope.  Ashton and Julie were the only girls who went off the more advanced one.  They are crazy!!! lol  It was super scary, but fun.  You totally had to learn to trust that the rope really was going to hold you.  Which was kind of hard for me.  I think I wore my one arm out by holding to the rope with all my might, which in reality wasn't doing anything.  It was super fun and I'm glad I went.  And the views were incredible.  We were able to watch the sun set.

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