Monday, October 6, 2014

~Girls Weekend~

Dave and Hunter headed out for the weekend to go Elk Hunting, so us girls (plus Garrett) decided to play while they were away.  We went down to Gardner's Village and had fun seeing and playing with the witches.
Grandma Wangsgard joined us since Grandpa went on the hunt with the boys.

We had fun doing the Witch Scavenger Hunt, getting our faces painted, and enjoying yummy treats.
Garrett was cute as Spiderman. Every time I would say that I was going to take a picture of him, he would get down into a Spiderman stance, lol.
Another Spiderman pose.
Lexi dancing with the witches.  The girls absolutely LOVED playing around with the witches.  They danced with them, went through the hay maze with them, jumped with them on the jumping pillow, etc. They had a ton of fun!  Lexi informed me that next time we go down, she is going to dress up as a witch.

We ended our day with dinner at Olive Garden
The following day we had "Crafts and Conference"  We made bats to hang from our chandelier, caramel apples, and Halloween can monsters.  It was a fun and busy weekend.

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