Wednesday, October 8, 2014

~Fieldtrip to the Nature Center~

Lexi was so excited to go on her first fieldtrip riding a bus.  It's all she could talk about for days.  It was fun to join her on a field trip to the Nature center.  They learned about the Indian tribes of Utah.  They learned about how and where the got their medicine, saw what they lived in, and learned about how they cooked.  The kids even made corn cakes to try.
Lexi and her fieldtrip buddy, Scotlyn.
Lexi grinding corn with a rock, the way they Indians used to.
The girls enjoying their corn cakes.
We saw all kinds of animals, from deer to birds, from spiders to snakes.  You can't really tell, but there is a deer in the background.  It walked right next to us, but I didn't get my camera out fast enough.
The girls inside the Teepee.
Melyn and Lexi sitting in the eagles nest.
Lexi and Melyn with their favorite bird house.  The "UP" house.

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