Friday, October 31, 2014

~Ward Trunk or Treat~

We had our ward Trunk or Treat the night before Halloween.  It was great cause it forced me to have all of our costumes ready and tested before Halloween.  Hunter is an afro man, Mckell a baby, Lexi is Elastigirl, and Garrett Spiderman.  The all look sooo cute!

I took my camera to the Trunk or Treat to take lots of pictures and this is the only picture I got, hahaha.  It is of Lexi and her little buddies.
Preslee Schenck, Kimberly Thompson, Lexi, Melyn, and friend.  They had a ton of fun!

~Court of Honor~

We went to Hunters very first Court of Honor the other night.  He has the best Scout Leaders.  He earned his Tenderfoot, Second class, and First class.  Way to go Hunter!
My baby is growing up :(

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

~Carving Pumpkins~

We had fun carving pumpkins for family night.  I like that the kids are pretty much old enough that they can carve their own.  It made the night a whole lot easier, and that Grandma and Grandpa were there to help :)
The kids did a great job at carving their pumpkins!

~6th Grade Haunted Houses~

In 6th grade the kids all make a haunted house.  I think Hunter's turned out pretty awesome!

~Trip to the Pumpkin Patch~

Our family usually goes to Black Island Farms over UEA, but since we were hunting we didn't this year.  I promised the kids we could still go and I would let them take a friend.  They had a lot of fun!
Hunter was bummed he didn't get to go, but he had basketball practice :)
Mckell, her friend Jasmin, and Garrett
Melyn and Lexi
Heading out on the tractor to pick our pumpkins from the pumpkin patch.

After finding our pumpkins, the kids had fun playing in the courtyard.  They loved going down the slides, riding the train, and swinging on the swings.

~The Deer Hunt~

Dave has a lot of stress in life.  From work to being bishop, so I love it when he gets to take time away doing something he loves.  Hunting is a stress reliever for him, so when he asked us all to go with him over UEA weekend I was in full support of it.  Normally he has a big group of guys that go with him, but for some reason this year, that wasn't the case.  It was just going to be him and Hunter, so we all tagged along.  Not to go hunting, but to go camping.  We went on a 4 wheeler ride, sat around the fire telling scary stories, and went on a walk (while Dave and Hunter hunted).  The weather was so nice, so it was the perfect year to go with them hunting.
As Dave was bringing the camper up, it got a flat tire.  So first order of business when we arrived, was to change the tire.  Garrett was so cute.  He was all about helping Dave fix it.
Garrett is such a boy.  He ran around pretending to shoot things with sticks he would find, he was all about fixing the trailer and got so excited when Dave pulled out his tools, and he LOVED riding in the Razor and 4wheeler.  He was in heaven being out there, and was not happy that he didn't get to go with the boys while hunting.  He had to stay back with the girls, and he didn't like that.
He is such a goofball!

Dave and Hunter did get a deer, but it was a little guy.  Antlers were not very big at all :)  I guess that is why they didn't take a picture, lol.  So this years hunt was very successful.  2 elk and a deer.  I have no idea what we are going to do with all that meat, let alone where we are going to put it, but I'm glad Dave and Hunter had fun.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

~Neighborhood Trip To The Haunted House~

For the past several years, Scott Cope has taken Hunter and several of the neighborhood boys to a haunted house.  We decided to join them this year.  It was fun!
Kaden, Tessa, Britton, Trevor, Davis, and Hunter
This is a fun tradition.  We will have to add to our group next year :)

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

~Fieldtrip to the Nature Center~

Lexi was so excited to go on her first fieldtrip riding a bus.  It's all she could talk about for days.  It was fun to join her on a field trip to the Nature center.  They learned about the Indian tribes of Utah.  They learned about how and where the got their medicine, saw what they lived in, and learned about how they cooked.  The kids even made corn cakes to try.
Lexi and her fieldtrip buddy, Scotlyn.
Lexi grinding corn with a rock, the way they Indians used to.
The girls enjoying their corn cakes.
We saw all kinds of animals, from deer to birds, from spiders to snakes.  You can't really tell, but there is a deer in the background.  It walked right next to us, but I didn't get my camera out fast enough.
The girls inside the Teepee.
Melyn and Lexi sitting in the eagles nest.
Lexi and Melyn with their favorite bird house.  The "UP" house.