Thursday, March 27, 2014


Hunter is normally a pretty responsible kid.  Well a few weeks back he mentioned that he had a state report to do on Nevada, but that it wasn't due for a couple of weeks and that they'd work on it in class.  It totally slipped my mind.  I went to help in his class this Tuesday and noticed all of these decorated shoeboxes about different states.  I asked the girl I read with about it and she said that these were part of the reports and that they were due Tuesday,  What????  I knew nothing about this and I knew Hunter had not even begun to work on it.  I was soooo MAD!!!  And what made me madder was the girl told me the teacher told the class on Monday that if they hadn't begun to work on it, they'd really better start kicking it into high gear.  Hunter made the comment, "My mom will just do it".  (He swears he didn't say that, but why would this girl tell me he did?.  So I made a point to let him do most of the work on his own.  I did help here and there, but this project was his).  That day when he got home from school, I asked him if he had any homework.  His reply was "No. Just reading".  I asked again, "Are you sure you don't have any homework?"  He said "Nope".  Then I started yelling at him about this state report due in 2 days.  He immediately said "Oh Ya.  I forgot about that".  I really don't know how he could have forgotten about that.  His social studies teacher has been talking about it for weeks, they have been researching the state in social studies, and other students have begun bringing their projects in which are displayed in the halls.  I guess we need to work on his responsibility :(  Needless to say, we have been working our butts off trying to get this done.  We did, and it turned out pretty good.  Hunter was very happy with the finished product.
Hopefully he learned his lesson, that procrastination is not the best thing.  I Hope!!!

Saturday, March 22, 2014

~Mckell And Comp Dance~

Comp Dance season has started up for Mckell.  It has kept her super busy with extra practices and competitions.  Her dance team has done great so far.  They have participated in 2 different competitions.  In the first competition, her team took 2nd place in their jazz dance and 3rd place in the lyrical dance.  Today at the second competition, her team took 1st place for jazz and 2nd place for lyrical.  Way to Go Glamour Galz!  Mckell really loves to dance.

Garrett was cracking us all up at lunch.  He was pouting because we wouldn't give him the bowl of salsa to eat alone, lol.  I love how he covers his eyes when he pouts.  Cute little bugger!
Mckell is beautiful!!!!!


We got Marley when Lexi was just shy of being a year old.  The kids saw him at Sportsman's Warehouse where Dave ran into a friend who was selling lab pups.  And the kids and Dave begged me for a dog.  I caved and Marley joined our family.
Lexi and Marley
Marley has been a good dog.  He's been really good with the kids and always wanted to play.
Well, the last couple of years Marley hasn't gotten the attention he deserved.  Dave and I decided that Marley deserved something better, and we put Marley up for sale hoping he'd find a good home where he'd get more attention than he was getting here.  And that is just what he found.  A family from Salem, Utah adopted Marley into their family.  They have a huge yard with a pond for Marley to play in.  It was sad to see him go (the girls cried their eyes out), but we know Marley is in a better place.  This cute family sent us pictures to reassure us that Marley was doing great.  I'm glad he went to a great home.
Marley with his new family.  When Mckell saw this picture she said, "Marley looks like he is in seventh heaven!"  We will miss him.
Our good times with Marley:

I know Garrett is especially going to miss seeing Marley at the back door. They were window buddies :)

~Lexi's Preschool Fieldtrip to the Treehouse~

We were lucky to have Grandma Wangsgard join us on Lexi's fieldtrip to the Treehouse Museum.  Lexi was so excited!  She even got chosen to go up and participate in the story/play of the 3 Billy Goats Gruff.  She was in heaven!
Lexi with her best friend Melyn.
Garrett LOVED playing with all the different playsets.  He wanted nothing to do with the camera.

Lexi is such a cutie!  At one point we couldn't find her and Andrew.  Lexi's teacher said she wasn't worried because Lexi was the most responsible one in their class, and she was sure they wouldn't be getting into trouble.  That is so Lexi!  We love her!

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

~Happy St Patricks Day~

My kids LOVE St Patricks day!  They couldn't wait to see what our little leprechaun brought for us.  And they had fun following his clues to find his pot o'gold.
Our Leprechaun left us all sorts of treats.

He even left some messes.
Looking for clues.

The kids with their loot.
I love the fun traditions we have on the holidays!

~Happy Birthday to Me!~

When Dave asked me what I wanted to do for my birthday, I didn't even have to think about it.  I wanted to spend it with my favorite people in the world. . . my family.  We celebrated at my favorite restaurant, Texas Roadhouse (I LOVE their rolls) and then went bowling.

Before the game began, we made a wager.  Whoever won the game didn't have to do chores for a whole week (the kids came up with this one).  Well, guess who won?  ME!!!  Hunter said they let me win since it was my birthday, lol.  He just didn't want to admit that I was better.  Infact, I was a little offended that he seemed so surprised when I would get strikes and spares. Like he didn't think I could do that, lol.  That little stink.  But sad to say, I didn't get my reward.  I still had to clean, do laundry, etc.  No fair!
You can't go bowling at Fat Cats without hitting the arcade.  We spent quite a while playing the arcade games.  Everyone had fun :)
We had a really fun night.  I love my family!  The next day(my actual birthday), I had several friends and family bring me all kinds of treats for my birthday.  I felt so loved!  Dave and I spent the day shopping.  We got stuff to decorate the house, went to lunch, and ended the day with movies at home.  It was really a good birthday!
 The next morning Jerry and Darinda came and grabbed the kids to take them to St George, so Dave and I had the rest of the weekend to do whatever we wanted.  We went and saw several movies at the movie theater.  I mean, how many times can you go to a movie back to back without worrying about getting back for the babysitter.  It was a nice relaxing weekend!  I know the kids had fun down in St George, even if they were really there for only a day and a half.
It was a great birthday thanks to my family!