Friday, November 29, 2013


I love our Thanksgiving day tradition.  We go to Thanksgiving lunch (switching off between my family and Dave's family), then we go see a movie (this year we saw Frozen), and then our family's Elf, Fred, comes to stay with us for the holidays.  It is such a fun day being with what I'm most thankful for, family.
Every Thanksgiving evening, Fred comes with presents for the whole family.  This year he brought egg nog, candy canes, Reeses Peanut Butter trees, chocolates, and our Christmas pajamas.
Garrett was not interested at all in opening a present, or getting pictures taken for that matter.  All he wanted was a Reeses Peanut Butter tree, lol.
I wanted to get a cute picture of the kids in their pj's, but Garrett was not cooperating.

Dave has had a very stressful Thanksgiving.  In fact, I was shocked to see him come out after awhile to see what Fred had brought the family.  He has been dealing with hackers to the company websites for the last 3 or so weeks.  He has worked morning and night, weekends, and yes holidays, trying to fix what they did, and keep them from getting back in.  I wanted to get a family picture, but by the time Dave came out, Garrett was already in bed.  I'm just glad he was able to take a break :)
So it's officially Christmastime.  The lights are on, Fred is back, and the Christmas tree is up.  I love this time of year!

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