Friday, November 1, 2013

~Happy Halloween~

It was 1 year ago today, that we were moving into our new house, which made Halloween last year crazy!  It was nice to be able to relax and enjoy Halloween this year.  The kids had a ball!  Halloween started off with the school parade.
Hunter was a baby.
Mckell was a witch.
Garrett, Melyn, and Lexi.  Garrett was an alligator and Lexi was a witch.
After the school Halloween parade, Mckell had her 3rd grade program.  Her part for the program was a witch, which made choosing her costume this year easy :).  She did such a good job!  And it was fun to have her Grandma and Grandpa Wangsgard and her Grandma Ropelato there to see her program.

Lexi all dressed up for her Halloween party at preschool.

It was a fun party!  They decorated cookies, played games, heard stories, and made a cute mummy craft.
Garrett just wanted to play with the cars.
I didn't get a picture of all the kids together before they headed out Trick or Treating, because Hunter went home with a friend after school and got home right as everyone was ready to head out.

I was surprised to see Hunter come downstairs dressed in his suit to head out Trick or Treating.  I asked him why he wasn't dressed as a baby and he told me that he was being James Bond.  Lol, so this Halloween he was Rocky, a baby, then James Bond.  This kid can't make up his mind when it comes to Halloween costumes :)
Davis, Hunter, and Calvin
All ready to go trick or treating.
Garrett only made it to a few houses, but he was fine with that. He was more than happy with just one piece of candy.

As you can see, it was a very successful Halloween!

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