Saturday, November 16, 2013

~Believe, Dream, Inspire~

Mckell's 3-D Art for reflections went onto council level to be judged.  She was so excited and surprised to hear her name called at the Reflections assembly at school.  Way to Go Mckell!
Mckell with her project.  She used Salt Dough and paint as her medium.  How she tied it into the Reflections theme was: "I Believe the world can be a better place.  My Dream is everyone will be kind.  By doing nice things for others, I'll Inspire others to be kind too.
Mckell has participated in Relections 2 different times, and both times her artwork was chosen to move on to council level.  She was one of five kids whose art was chosen out of 20 others in the 3-D category to move on to council level.  Way to go Mckell!

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