Monday, November 11, 2013

~Hunter's Arrow of Light~

Hunter just earned his Arrow of Light in the scouting program.  I am kind of sad that he will only have 1 more pack meeting and then he moves out of cub scouts.  Where has the time gone?  He is growing up way to fast!
His Grandpa Wangsgard was able to come and present his arrow to him.  His arrow was hand made by a man in our ward building, named Norm Higgs.  He had carved/made each piece, even down to the arrow.  So cool!
I LOVE that he is not embarrassed to give his mom a hug.
Hunter with his Weblos leaders.  He has been lucky to have such great leaders over the years.  The cub scouting program has taught Hunter so many things.  From learning how to cook a meal, to shooting a gun and an arrow.  He has really had fun in scouts.

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