Thursday, June 7, 2018

~The Green Bees~

Poor Garrett has been begging for years to be able to play some sports.  I finally let him this summer.  He played t-ball and loved it.  I think it helped that his good buddy Blake was on the team.
He had the cutest coach who taught him how to hit a ball, catch a ball, throw a ball, and where all the bases are.  He had so much fun playing on a team of his own, and not just going to watch one of his siblings play.  He definitely has earned it. ( I asked what he was doing in this picture??? Couldn't figure why he was holding his hand up in the shape of a U.  He told me he was being a baseball player and holding his glove, lol) 
It really was fun watching him play.  I loved how he'd always cheer his teammates on and give high 5's to the other team as they were out on the field.  Garrett really does have a good heart.  I hope he never loses that.

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