Sunday, June 18, 2017

~Utah Summer Games 2016~

Going to the Summer Games with Hunter's basketball team is always a favorite summer tradition.  We always have so much fun all staying at Jerry and Darinda's house playing, swimming, participating in the basketball skills night, going to movies, and watching the team play.  We have such an amazing group of families we go down with.  It's always a fun time, no matter if we win or loose the tournament.  I love this tradition!!!
We did play in the Bronze medal game this year, but ended up not taking home a medal.  We still had a blast though!
We always have the cutest cheering section.
Karaoke at the movie theater.
We started off the summer games this year with a head wound and we ended the summer games this year with a head wound.  Poor Garrett was victim #1.  His good buddy, Spencer Hall, was carrying him up the marble stairs at Jerry and Darinda's (which I might add are deadly stairs) and he slipped on water and fell dropping Garrett.  Garrett got a pretty good head wound which required staples.
Everything can be healed with a popsicle.  As soon as the ER nurse handed Garrett this he was all better, lol.  He even walked out of the hospital and made the comment, "I love this place!"  The cute nurse standing nearby commented that they never hear comments like that, lol.  They might need to start handing out more popsicles.  Hahaha!!!
Ryker ended our trip with another head wound.  The kids were playing pool tag and Ryker slipped on the cement while running from Jasmin.  He also had to go to the hospital to get stitches.  He and Garrett are the head wound brothers.  They both have scars on their heads from this years summer games.  Poor guys.
Our group cleaned house this year at the basketball skills competition.  Many of the siblings took home several medals in the free throw contest, the 3 point contest, and the hot shot contest.
This is such a fun tradition, I hope we continue to do it for many years to come.

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