Thursday, June 8, 2017

~Memorial Day Weekend with the Ropelato's in St George~

We haven't been down to Jerry and Darinda's house in St George as an entire Ropelato clan for years.  I think the last time we were all down there together was before the pool was even a thought, when were all down competing in the Utah Summer Games Track and Field Events.  It was fun to finally be able to be down there together as an entire family.  We played a lot.  We swam, went boating, swam some more, went to the movies, swam some more, went on a hike, and swam some more, lol.  It was a fun weekend!  The kids love being down there with their cousins.
Hike to Red Cliffs.  We were a little disappointed that all the water was dried up.  We came during spring break and it was fun playing in the water.  This time there was no water, so that made for a really hot hike.
Hunter is my little mountain goat.  He makes me so nervous because he has no fear.
Jeff was thrilled to be hiking in the heat in the middle of the day, lol.  The look on his face says it all.
Jerry, Garrett, and Andrew
What Hunter won't do to keep the sun off his face, lol.  That looks really hot to me. 
We had a great Memorial Day weekend with the Ropelato's.
A cool shot Dave took with his drone of Jerry and Darinda's backyard.

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