Thursday, March 10, 2016

~Tis the Season for Parties~

For the last several years, we have hosted the Smeding Family Chirstmas party.  It is fun to see all the extended family and visit with them.  This year, however, I started getting a migraine right in the middle of the party. Boo!  So I missed quite of bit of what was going on, and didn't really get a whole lot of pictures of anything.  There is always next year.
Every year we have the kids put on the nativity.  These are our cute angels.
We also had another visit from Santa.  My kids sure are seeing a lot of him lately, lol,  I guess that means they'd better be on their best behavior, because he is always around.
I only got pictures of Mckell and Lexi before my migraine started, so I then went and laid down in a dark room.  My aunt Pat was awesome!!!  She totally took charge of everything and made sure things were cleaned up.  She is the best!!!

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