Wednesday, June 10, 2015

~A Trip To The Zoo~

Poor Lexi and Garrett!  With Hunter and Mckell we went to the zoo all the time.  The only time Lexi had been was when she was 2, and Garrett has never been.  I decided I needed to make sure the younger kids still got the same experiences as the older two, so we planned a trip to the zoo.  It was so much fun!  Right now they have dinosaurs all over the park, which Garrett LOVED!!!  He is really big into dinosaurs right now.  He was in heaven.  We asked Cassie, Paisley, and Easton to join us.  I'm glad they did.  The kids all had fun together.
Paisley and Mckell being scary lions.

I don't have many pictures of Garrett.  He didn't want to be bothered with stopping to pose for the camera, lol.

We cooled off by playing at the splash pad.  Mckell and Lexi are so good with Paisley and Easton.  They both are going to be such good little mothers.
Garrett's favorite things right now are dinosaurs and trains.  The zoo delivered both.  He couldn't wait to go and ride on Thomas :)
The bird show was a lot of fun.
It is so much fun to have Paisley and Easton back around to go and do fun things with.  We love our cousins!!!

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