Monday, June 1, 2015

~6th Grade Graduation Party~

We thought it would be fun to have an end of elementary 6th grade party for the entire 6th grade class of North Ogden Elementary.  I'm so glad that Mindy will do crazy things with me :)  She was so awesome to host it at her house.  The Copes have such a fun backyard.  We were a little worried about the weather since it had been raining all week, but we lucked out and had sun for the party.  Whoot! Whoot! It was a lot of fun.  We had loads of food, had a fire, played basketball, badminton, night games, twister, and buried people in the sand box.  We know how to party!

The party hosts
We had oodles of food.  30 pizzas, breadsticks, tons of chips, cookies, licorice, etc.

Of course the siblings had to come to the party too!
The whole group!

As it got closer to the party date I know the thought crossed both Mindy and my mind "What were we thinking?"  But during the party we both had comments from some of the kids that this was the only party they'd ever been invited to (which broke our hearts), or this was their first time at a party.  It made us sad and glad that we had had the party and invited everyone.  I also had calls from parents the next day thanking us for throwing the party.  The parents commented on how much it meant to them to have their child invited.  Those comments made it all worth it!  This is such a fun group of kids, and we had a blast with them!
By the end of the night Dave and I were so tired.  We headed home and got a text from Scott "You forget something?"  Whoops!  Lol.

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