Wednesday, June 10, 2015

~All I Want for Christmas is My 2 Front Teeth~

Lexi lost her front tooth the other day.  She was so excited to loose one of her front teeth, and couldn't wait to tell everyone.  The following day, she and Hunter were outside playing and Hunter accidentally bumped her in the mouth and out popped her other front tooth (which I might add, was barely loose).  Two teeth in two days.
Lexi was a little concerned that the tooth fairy wouldn't come because she couldn't find her missing tooth in the grass.  Hunter assured her that the tooth fairy would still come, because she came for him when he'd lost his tooth on the Buzz Lightyear ride at Disneyland.  Hunter was right.  The tooth fairy still came.  Lexi was so relieved.
I love these kiddos of mine.  I love that they enjoy each other and get along for the most part.  I am so lucky to be their mom.

~A Trip To The Zoo~

Poor Lexi and Garrett!  With Hunter and Mckell we went to the zoo all the time.  The only time Lexi had been was when she was 2, and Garrett has never been.  I decided I needed to make sure the younger kids still got the same experiences as the older two, so we planned a trip to the zoo.  It was so much fun!  Right now they have dinosaurs all over the park, which Garrett LOVED!!!  He is really big into dinosaurs right now.  He was in heaven.  We asked Cassie, Paisley, and Easton to join us.  I'm glad they did.  The kids all had fun together.
Paisley and Mckell being scary lions.

I don't have many pictures of Garrett.  He didn't want to be bothered with stopping to pose for the camera, lol.

We cooled off by playing at the splash pad.  Mckell and Lexi are so good with Paisley and Easton.  They both are going to be such good little mothers.
Garrett's favorite things right now are dinosaurs and trains.  The zoo delivered both.  He couldn't wait to go and ride on Thomas :)
The bird show was a lot of fun.
It is so much fun to have Paisley and Easton back around to go and do fun things with.  We love our cousins!!!

Monday, June 1, 2015

~Garrett and Paisley's Birthday Party~

We hadn't had our family party with the Wangsgard side of the family yet, and since Paisley just had a birthday, we decided to combine them.  It is so much fun to have Richard and Cassie living back in Utah.  Richard just graduated from dental school.  It is fun to have cousins on the Wangsgard side of the family around.
Paisley and Garrett blowing out their candles.

We had fun playing the candy bar game.  It was so much fun watching the little ones get so excited about rolling doubles.  We kept telling Paisley she had magic hands. She would roll 7, 11, or doubles everytime.

~Playing with the Baby Sheep~

Our good friends the Browns told me that they has several new baby sheep up at their house and that I should bring the kids to see them.  I was all over that.  My kids were so excited to get to hold the babies.  Lucky for us we had farm guides with us to tell us all the babies names, to show us how to catch them, and to show us all around the farm.  Lucy and Billy are pros!
Mckell holding Chocolate
Lexi holding Chocolate.  Garrett wanted no part in holding the baby sheep.  He liked looking at them, but didn't want to get to close, lol

Lucy and Billy were so cute.  Billy would catch the sheep for us, then Lucy would tell us all about them.  Their names, how old they were, who their moms were, etc.  We were so lucky to have them take us.
Ginger came down to check on the sheep and found us there.  She told the girls to climb in and catch the sheep themselves.  Billy showed them what to do.  They had a blast!!!
Lexi was so proud of herself
Ginger even brought some horses down and let the kids brush them.  It was a lot of fun!

~6th Grade Graduation Party~

We thought it would be fun to have an end of elementary 6th grade party for the entire 6th grade class of North Ogden Elementary.  I'm so glad that Mindy will do crazy things with me :)  She was so awesome to host it at her house.  The Copes have such a fun backyard.  We were a little worried about the weather since it had been raining all week, but we lucked out and had sun for the party.  Whoot! Whoot! It was a lot of fun.  We had loads of food, had a fire, played basketball, badminton, night games, twister, and buried people in the sand box.  We know how to party!

The party hosts
We had oodles of food.  30 pizzas, breadsticks, tons of chips, cookies, licorice, etc.

Of course the siblings had to come to the party too!
The whole group!

As it got closer to the party date I know the thought crossed both Mindy and my mind "What were we thinking?"  But during the party we both had comments from some of the kids that this was the only party they'd ever been invited to (which broke our hearts), or this was their first time at a party.  It made us sad and glad that we had had the party and invited everyone.  I also had calls from parents the next day thanking us for throwing the party.  The parents commented on how much it meant to them to have their child invited.  Those comments made it all worth it!  This is such a fun group of kids, and we had a blast with them!
By the end of the night Dave and I were so tired.  We headed home and got a text from Scott "You forget something?"  Whoops!  Lol.