Saturday, March 28, 2015


When I took Lexi in for her check up on her arm, I decided that I wasn't all that impressed by the doctor that has set her arm in the ER.  Maybe it was cause I was really bugged that I had to wait an hour and a half because no one could find the doctor and had no clue where he had gone.  Or it could have been because he put a cast on her arm so sloppily, or maybe because he was worried about how the bones were lining up, or not lining up I should say and he is the one that put them together.  So needless to say, we decided to get a second opinion.  The second doctor we saw, recommended surgery to put pins in Lexi's arm because the bones were barely touching each other, and if they were to heal, she would always have a crooked arm and probably not have full mobility of her arm.  We agreed that surgery was probably her best bet of her arm being back to normal and having no problems in the future.
Lexi confided to Dave and I that she was so nervous, but she didn't let the doctors or nurses see that.  She had her brave face on.
Even when they took her back into the operating room she had a smile on her face.  Such a brave girl!
The surgery went great.  It was a good idea that we decided to go this route because the doctor said when he had gotten into her arm the bones were really not even touching.  I'm so glad we made this decision to fix her arm the right way.

Lexi loved all the cards, gifts, and visits from all her little friends.  It really made her feel loved!She has been such a tough cookie.  The day after surgery she insisted that she didn't need to take the pain medicine we had (I think that could have partly been because of the taste).  She just stuck with Childrens Motrin.  The day after surgery she complained how bored she was, so we decided to try out school the following day and she did great.  You really would never guess by looking at her that she'd just had surgery.  I think she has a high pain tolerance like her momma, lol.  Her dad wouldn't agree with that statement :)  He says she gets that from him.

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