Wednesday, March 18, 2015

~Another Year Older and Wiser Too~

My family spoiled me on my birthday!.  They let me sleep in, then Dave took me clothes shopping in Salt Lake.  Lexi wanted to tag along with us, so she came too.  As we were getting off of the freeway in Salt Lake, Lexi threw up everywhere.  I think she had gotten car sick on the ride down.  But that didn't stop our fun, lol.  We bought her some new clothes (which she thought was pretty awesome) and headed to City Creek.  Dave spoiled me with a new outfit and several new pairs of shoes.  We headed home cleaned out my car from Lexi (not what I thought I'd be doing on my birthday), then headed out for dinner and a movie.  Dave also got me 2 paddleboards.  I had so much fun when we went paddle boarding for a relief Society activity that I decided I wanted one of my own.  Dave got me 2 so that he, or one of the kids could go with me.  Yay!  I'm excited to pick up a hobby.
A few years back on our Hawaii trip, we were in a van full of people heading up to tube the sugar mines.  The tour guide asked everyone to share their name and a hobby that they had.  As we went around the van, I realized that I really don't have a hobby.  Well I take it back, my kids are my hobby.  They get all my spare time.  Helping them with homework, supporting their hobbies, running them around from here to there, cleaning the house, etc.  Everything that keeps us moms busy, and I wouldn't trade it for the world.  I love spending time with my kids, but after listening to others exciting hobbies like, mountain biking, running, four wheeling, etc.  I decided that I needed a hobby, something for me.  So for now paddle boarding is it.  I'm excited to start this hobby with my family. I had a great birthday.  I spent it with the ones I love, and I wouldn't have asked for anything else.

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