Saturday, March 28, 2015

~North Ogden Art Show/Jr Authors Fair~

I was very impressed at the artwork and books that the kids made.  So fun to see all their different projects.

~Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day~

For Mckell's 4th grade program she learned to play the ukulele and played a song with a group of girls.  She did an awesome job!  It was such a cute program!
Our cute little Ukelele player.


When I took Lexi in for her check up on her arm, I decided that I wasn't all that impressed by the doctor that has set her arm in the ER.  Maybe it was cause I was really bugged that I had to wait an hour and a half because no one could find the doctor and had no clue where he had gone.  Or it could have been because he put a cast on her arm so sloppily, or maybe because he was worried about how the bones were lining up, or not lining up I should say and he is the one that put them together.  So needless to say, we decided to get a second opinion.  The second doctor we saw, recommended surgery to put pins in Lexi's arm because the bones were barely touching each other, and if they were to heal, she would always have a crooked arm and probably not have full mobility of her arm.  We agreed that surgery was probably her best bet of her arm being back to normal and having no problems in the future.
Lexi confided to Dave and I that she was so nervous, but she didn't let the doctors or nurses see that.  She had her brave face on.
Even when they took her back into the operating room she had a smile on her face.  Such a brave girl!
The surgery went great.  It was a good idea that we decided to go this route because the doctor said when he had gotten into her arm the bones were really not even touching.  I'm so glad we made this decision to fix her arm the right way.

Lexi loved all the cards, gifts, and visits from all her little friends.  It really made her feel loved!She has been such a tough cookie.  The day after surgery she insisted that she didn't need to take the pain medicine we had (I think that could have partly been because of the taste).  She just stuck with Childrens Motrin.  The day after surgery she complained how bored she was, so we decided to try out school the following day and she did great.  You really would never guess by looking at her that she'd just had surgery.  I think she has a high pain tolerance like her momma, lol.  Her dad wouldn't agree with that statement :)  He says she gets that from him.

~Ropelato Easter Egg Hunt~

We had the annual Ropelato Easter Egg hunt a little early this year because of spring break and everyone heading out of town.  The kids look forward to this every year and have so much fun getting together with all of their cousins.
The whole group.
Garrett had no problem figuring out what you were supposed to do :)
I was impressed how well Lexi did with her broken arm.  She ran and got as many eggs as all the others.

We had a fun evening, and now have lots of practice for the other Easter egg hunts we will go on.

~Girls Night~

We had a girls night and went to see the new movie Cinderella.  Such a fun night with my favorite ladies in the whole world!!!

~Dance Competition Take 2~

Mckell competed in her 2nd competition of the year.  Her team took 2nd place for their "Witches" dance and took 1st again for her "Barbie" dance.  It was fun to have Grandma Wangsgard and Lexi at her second competition.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

~St Patricks Day~

Our little leprechaun came again this year leaving clues and treats for the kids.
He left a treat for every color of the rainbow.  Red- Lindor Chocolate; Orange- Fishy crackers; Yellow- Gushers; Green- a new green outfit for everyone to wear that day; Blue- Cool Ranch Doritos; Purple- Black Cherry lemonade; Gold- Gummy bears.  He also left us a skittle rainbow and little footprints everywhere with starbursts.

After seeing what the leprechaun had brought, we had a "green" pancakes.  It's funny cause the kids really didn't like the pancakes.  They said they tasted funny, lol.  I kept insisting that food coloring doesn't have a taste, but they were sure that the pancakes tasted different.

Garrett wouldn't let me take his picture, and I never got one of Hunter in his green basketball shorts. Boys!!!!I love celebrating holidays and the joy and excitement it brings!

~Dance Competition Season Has Started~

It is so fun to finally be able to see all of Mckell's hard work come together.  Dance Competition season has begun.  Her first competition was at Freemont High School.  Mckell's dance "Witches" took 4th place and her "Barbie" dance took 1st.
Mckell was a little freaked out when she saw that her extension was brown, lol

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

~If You Are Going To Break It, Break It Good~

My mom was watching Garrett and Lexi while I was with Mckell on her fieldtrip.  Just as we were walking back to the bus to end the fieldtrip, I got a call from Dave.  He asked what I was doing and if I could meet him.  I honestly thought he was talking about meeting for lunch.  He informed me that no we would not be meeting for lunch.  He got a call from the Dr.'s office saying that they had his daughter and that she had broken her arm.  (my mom doesn't have a cell phone and didn't have our correct numbers.  It was a good thing the dr.'s office did).  So we were to head right to the North Ogden InstaCare.  When I got there, I was surprised to see Lexi so calm.  In fact, she was so calm she had fallen asleep.  It was my mom who was crying.  The doctor immediately told us that they wouldn't be able to fix Lexi's arm.  She'd have to head up to the ER, and that they would need to call in an orthopedic surgeon to help her.  When I looked at Lexi's arm I about died!  Boy did she break it!
Ouch!!!!  After seeing it, I really couldn't believe how calm she was.  I guess she fell off the trampoline at my moms.  When it happened, my mom was over with Garrett on a hill in their backyard playing.  My mom heard a scream, she thought Lexi had just gotten cut or something.  When she headed over to the trampoline, Lexi was holding up her arm saying "Grandma! It doesn't look right.  I think it's broke"  My mom did her best to stay clam, so that Lexi wouldn't freak out.  She told Lexi that they needed to get their shoes on and head to the doctors office.  Lexi didn't like this idea, she just pleaded for my mom to just wrap it up :)  Little did she know that would not work with this break.  On the way to the doctor's office, my mom and Lexi said a little prayer asking for Lexi to remain calm and for peace to know everything would be ok.  They both said they knew the prayer worked because Lexi was sooo calm.  As they got to the InstaCare, my mom couldn't find any parking, so she had to park clear in the back.  She was carrying Lexi in, trying to keep Garrett by her side.  She hadn't even gotten to the front door, when a nurse came out to meet her.  She told my mom that the InstaCare was backed up about 2 hours and that one of the doctors, Dr. Allen, saw my mom carrying Lexi and said he'd get her in.  Blessing!  They went right back to his office and found Dave's number.  After looking at her arm, they decided she'd better head up to the ER do have an orthopedic surgeon come and fix it.  They hadn't given Lexi anything for the pain, yet she had fallen asleep.  She didn't cry as we loaded her back into the car and headed to the ER.  She didn't cry as we sat in the ER waiting room for a while.  What a tough little cookie!

As we were admitting Lexi, we were asked why we were there.  Dave told the man that Lexi had broken her arm.  He then asked, "How do you know it is broken?"  Dave replied, " Well, I'm no doctor, but  can pretty much guarantee it's broken"  When the man admitting us saw Lexi's arm, he was shocked that she was so calm.  And she still hadn't been given anything for the pain.  She didn't cry until the nurse told her she was going to give Lexi an IV so they could put her to sleep.  It was then that Lexi lost it.  She cried and cried, insisting that she didn't want a shot.  The nurses told her she needed to have the IV so that they could give her medicine.  Then Lexi cried harder, because she didn't like the taste of medicine, lol.  She didn't cry until they mentioned shots and medicine, lol.  She is so funny.  They hooked up the IV, gave her morphine, and took her back for x-rays.
Lexi had broken both of her bones right in half.  Poor kiddo.
The orthopedic surgeon came in and told us we were lucky because Lexi's growth plates were still wide open, so they could just set her arm back in place and the bones would grow back together on their own.  He said if she had been older, they would have taken her right in for surgery.  She is so lucky.  And she lucked out that they put her to sleep while he set her arm back in place.  I left the room, cause the doctor told me that you would hear bones breaking and crunching as they put her arm straight again.  I didn't want to be there for that so I went in the hall, and I could still hear it.  Poor Lexi!  It was really good she was asleep, cause it sounded terrible, and I'm sure it would have felt terrible too.
Lexi's broken bone.
Lexi all fixed up.  Still no tears!  She is a tough little cookie!

~4th Grade Field Trip~

I joined Mckell's class for a fieldtrip to the Nature Center.  I know I've said this before, but I'm so glad I get to join my kiddos on their school outings.  I really am going to miss this when they are all grown up.  I really enjoy spending time with them and seeing how they interact with their classmates.
Mckell with some of her friends.
We saw all kinds of animals at the Nature Center.  From turkeys, deer, tortoises, snakes, birds, and spiders.

Mckell as a bunny rabbit.
Mrs. Ellis's 4th grade class in the Eagles Nest!  Such a cute group of kids!

~Another Year Older and Wiser Too~

My family spoiled me on my birthday!.  They let me sleep in, then Dave took me clothes shopping in Salt Lake.  Lexi wanted to tag along with us, so she came too.  As we were getting off of the freeway in Salt Lake, Lexi threw up everywhere.  I think she had gotten car sick on the ride down.  But that didn't stop our fun, lol.  We bought her some new clothes (which she thought was pretty awesome) and headed to City Creek.  Dave spoiled me with a new outfit and several new pairs of shoes.  We headed home cleaned out my car from Lexi (not what I thought I'd be doing on my birthday), then headed out for dinner and a movie.  Dave also got me 2 paddleboards.  I had so much fun when we went paddle boarding for a relief Society activity that I decided I wanted one of my own.  Dave got me 2 so that he, or one of the kids could go with me.  Yay!  I'm excited to pick up a hobby.
A few years back on our Hawaii trip, we were in a van full of people heading up to tube the sugar mines.  The tour guide asked everyone to share their name and a hobby that they had.  As we went around the van, I realized that I really don't have a hobby.  Well I take it back, my kids are my hobby.  They get all my spare time.  Helping them with homework, supporting their hobbies, running them around from here to there, cleaning the house, etc.  Everything that keeps us moms busy, and I wouldn't trade it for the world.  I love spending time with my kids, but after listening to others exciting hobbies like, mountain biking, running, four wheeling, etc.  I decided that I needed a hobby, something for me.  So for now paddle boarding is it.  I'm excited to start this hobby with my family. I had a great birthday.  I spent it with the ones I love, and I wouldn't have asked for anything else.