Friday, August 29, 2014

~Tonsil Party~

I've been meaning to get the girls in for a while to get their tonsils removed.  All of our kids are blessed with HUGE tonsils.  Today Mckell and Lexi had a tonsil party and had them removed.  Lexi was super nervous, but Mckell was super excited because she couldn't wait to be able to live on popsicles for awhile.  She soon found out it wasn't all it was cracked up to be :)
We got up bright and early to head to the surgical center.  The girls were in pretty good spirits heading in.
All dressed and ready to go.
Lexi was first in line for surgery.  This is her before picture.

Here is her after picture.  She was a pretty tough little cookie.  She hurt but didn't scream or even whimper.  She just got a bit teary eyed but that is all.  They nurses kept commenting on how well she was doing.  Especially since you could hear kids all around us crying in the recovery room.

While we were waiting for Mckell to get done with her surgery, they gave Lexi some pretty good pain medication which made her loopy.  Dave and I were crying from laughing so hard at the things she was doing and saying.  At one point she sat up and shouted out "I have two!"  We couldn't figure out what she was talking about, but she kept saying "I have two"  She was so excited about it :)  Finally  we realized she was talking about her popsicle.  She saw two of them, but when she would go try to grab the other one, she couldn't.  She told us it was invisible.  She went on and on about it.  We sure got a good laugh.
Mckell's before picture.
Mckell's after picture.  Lexi and Mckell were complete opposites.  As we were sitting with Lexi, waiting in recovery, we could hear screaming and crying.  We immediately knew it was Mckell.  It  went on for a good 15-20 minutes before they brought her in.  She came in to recovery screaming and kicking.  We finally got her to calm down and go to sleep, but it took a while. :)
Lexi's medicine kicked in and she was ready to go.  She kept saying she wanted to go home and ride her bike.  When the nurse told her she wouldn't be able to do that for a while, so got bummed out and said, "What???  Well can I play on my swing set?"  When the nurse said no, she asked "Well can I listen to music?"  Yes, Lexi.  You can listen to music :)
Mckell makes me laugh.  She felt lousy, but the minute I got out my phone to take a picture she smiled for the camera like she felt fine :)  Same thing when the nursed came in, she was crying from pain and when they asked how she was doing she said, "Good".  They could tell that she obviously wasn't doing good :)
The girls ended their trip to the surgical center with a ride to the car in a wheelchair.  When they first came out of surgery, I was wondering what I had been thinking by having them both get their tonsils out on the same day, but now I am happy they did.  They are enjoying their little tonsil party together by riding in the wheelchair together, sleeping next to each other in Dave and my bedroom, and they are having fun watching movies together.  I love that these two are best friends.

So on a side note, Mckell has had a rough week.  She got a root canal on Wednesday and now tonsils out on Friday.  Poor thing!  You'd think I was trying to torture her :)  Here is a picture of her from her root canal.

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