Friday, August 1, 2014

~The 50 Miler~

Hunter was so bummed that he couldn't go to scout camp this year.  He isn't even officially a boy scout, well he is still an 11 year old scout, but a lot of his friends were going and he thought it sounded so fun.  Our scout group was backpacking in the Uintahs.  Everything they needed for the week, they carried.  Food, clothes, sleeping stuff, etc.  The boys slept out under the stars, which Hunter thought sounded awesome.  He begged Dave all summer to let him go, lol.  Well, Dave finally caved and took him up Friday morning to meet up with the group for the remainder of their trip.  Hunter was so excited.  The group was in quite a ways so Hunter and Dave rode 4 wheelers quite a ways in, until they couldn't anymore, then went the rest of the way on foot.  Before leaving, Dave was sure they would find the group, but once they got up there he wasn't so sure.  But they did meet up with the group early Friday afternoon.
 Dave and Hunter hiked in 6 miles and stopped to wait for the rest of the group to meet up with them.  They waited about an hour and a half, which wasn't too bad.
Hunter and Rexton swimming/taking a bath in the freezing cold water.
This is where they camped Friday night.  Dave said the grass was so soft you could walk barefoot through it.
Heading back.  Hunter had a great time!  I'm glad he and Dave could go up even if it was just for 1 night.

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