Saturday, July 19, 2014

~Ropelato Family Pictures~

It has been FOREVER since we have had family pictures with the Ropelato side of the family.  The last time we had them was when Hunter was about 2, and the only grandchildren at that time were Jackie and Hunter.  We have had the traditional wedding family pictures, but not an official family picture.  Randee was good, and decided it was about time we had one.  It was kind of crazy trying to find a time that would work for everyone, and then the day we had scheduled to do the pictures rained and Dave was in the hospital for a kidney stone, so we had to reschedule.  After trying find a new time that would work, and having to find a new photographer, we finally got them done.  Who knew trying to get everyone together would have been so difficult, lol.  The pictures were taken up at Jerry and Darinda's house back in May.
Jerry and Darinda with all of the grandkids.  Garrett had to have a cookie.  We figured if it made him happy for the pictures then that's what we had to do.
I do not like our individual family picture, but thought I'd post it anyway because I thought others in it looked really cute.  I love Garrett's smile!

Garrett's pictures were my favorite out of all the pictures that were taken.  He has the cutest grin!
I think we have the cutest family!  I am very lucky :)

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