Thursday, July 24, 2014


We had fun at the Ogden Rodeo last night.  Lexi has been talking about going all summer because she was sick last year and couldn't make it.  She couldn't wait to see what she'd missed :)
Grandma bought our tickets for us and didnt mention that it was tough enough to wear pick night at the rodeo.  Whoops!  They did pass out pink hats and gloves to wear, so we did have pink.  It was a lot of fun.  Hot, but fun.

We asked the kids what their favorite part of the rodeo was.  They all agreed that it was the bull riding and the motorcycles.  It was funny to watch Lexi's face during both of these events.  Her mouth was wide open in awe when the motorcyclists did handstands and flips on their bikes.  She also loved watching the clown get pushed over in his barrel by the mad bulls.  She thought it was so funny.  It was a fun evening.

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