Monday, July 28, 2014


We haven't been bowling in a long time :)  Since Dave and Hunter were out having fun up at scout camp, we decided to go play too.  We went bowling at Fat Cats with some friends.
After bowling, we played in the arcade for a bit, then headed out to lunch.  We ended the day with some school shopping.  We had a fun "girls day", as Lexi called it :)

Thursday, July 24, 2014


We had fun at the Ogden Rodeo last night.  Lexi has been talking about going all summer because she was sick last year and couldn't make it.  She couldn't wait to see what she'd missed :)
Grandma bought our tickets for us and didnt mention that it was tough enough to wear pick night at the rodeo.  Whoops!  They did pass out pink hats and gloves to wear, so we did have pink.  It was a lot of fun.  Hot, but fun.

We asked the kids what their favorite part of the rodeo was.  They all agreed that it was the bull riding and the motorcycles.  It was funny to watch Lexi's face during both of these events.  Her mouth was wide open in awe when the motorcyclists did handstands and flips on their bikes.  She also loved watching the clown get pushed over in his barrel by the mad bulls.  She thought it was so funny.  It was a fun evening.

Saturday, July 19, 2014

~Fun Day at Cherry Hills~

We love having season passes to Cherry Hills.  What makes it more fun is when a lot of the other neighborhood families join us.  The kids like having their friends there to play with.
I love how boys never want to take a serious picture.  They always have to pull funny faces, lol.
Melyn was so cute playing with Garrett.

Lately Garrett LOVES getting his picture taken.  If he sees the camera, he runs to pose :) 
Funny kid!

~Root Canal. BOO!~

Mckell's front tooth is officially dead.  She went in for her first root canal :(  It actually wasn't as bad as she thought. She didn't enjoy the shot, but other than that she said it was a piece of cake.

~14 Years~

On July 7th, Dave and I celebrated our 14th wedding anniversary.  We celebrated with dinner to our favorite restaurant, Texas Roadhouse, and a movie.  I love spending time with this guy!
(This picture is blurry I know).  We talked about some of our favorite memories over the past 14 years and about some things we wanted to do going forward.  One thing we agreed on was we need to take more family trips with our little family. They are growing too fast and we don't want to miss out on time with them, so that is something we are going to work on.  Dave is my buddy and I'm so lucky to be his wife.  I'm one lucky lady, and I know it!
Dave and I fourteen years ago.
Dave and I today.

~Ropelato Family Pictures~

It has been FOREVER since we have had family pictures with the Ropelato side of the family.  The last time we had them was when Hunter was about 2, and the only grandchildren at that time were Jackie and Hunter.  We have had the traditional wedding family pictures, but not an official family picture.  Randee was good, and decided it was about time we had one.  It was kind of crazy trying to find a time that would work for everyone, and then the day we had scheduled to do the pictures rained and Dave was in the hospital for a kidney stone, so we had to reschedule.  After trying find a new time that would work, and having to find a new photographer, we finally got them done.  Who knew trying to get everyone together would have been so difficult, lol.  The pictures were taken up at Jerry and Darinda's house back in May.
Jerry and Darinda with all of the grandkids.  Garrett had to have a cookie.  We figured if it made him happy for the pictures then that's what we had to do.
I do not like our individual family picture, but thought I'd post it anyway because I thought others in it looked really cute.  I love Garrett's smile!

Garrett's pictures were my favorite out of all the pictures that were taken.  He has the cutest grin!
I think we have the cutest family!  I am very lucky :)

Saturday, July 5, 2014

~Happy 4th of July~

The kids look forward to the Cherry Days parade every year.  Our 4th of July wouldn't be complete without the Cherry Days Parade.  Mckell was on a float with her dance group this year, so it was just Hunter, Lexi, Garrett and Dave who ended up riding in the kids parade.
Normally every year, I drop Dave and the kids off for the kids parade, then I drive down to our spot.  I usually have plenty of time to get set up and wait for them to get to our spot.  Not this year.  They beat me, and were waiting for me when I got there :)  Good thing I got pictures before.
We love sitting to watch the parade with my parents, Richard and Cassie, Marc and Randee, and the Copes.  The kids have fun playing with their cousins and friends.
The Cope family invited us to join them on a bike ride from Rainbow Gardens to Sweetwater Pub to have lunch.  We had a lot of fun, and even though it was extremely hot outside, it wasn't too bad.

It was a nice ride.  The kids did great!
After the bike ride we all came home and had a nice nap, then headed over to my mom and dad's for a BBQ.
We ended the night with fireworks.

It was a GREAT 4th of July!