Thursday, February 20, 2014

~My Husband is Falling Apart~

You know the old saying "When It Rains, It Pours". Well that is how we feel our life has been lately.  Since Dave was put into the bishopric in September, it seems that things with him have been falling apart.  Starting with hacks and problems at work causing mega stress for him, to health issues (which I'm pretty sure were caused by the stress)  We have been in and out of the dr's office for all kinds of things, from anxiety, high blood pressure, to kidney stones.  It has seemed to be never ending.  At the end of the year Dave had passed a kidney, and he was still dealing with other health issues, so when he came to me at the first of the year and said that he had another kidney stone, I was like "Are you kidding me?".  He went in for a scan and they found 2 more kidney stones.  One was too big to pass, so Dave was in for surgery that day.  I was a little surprised the doctor didn't take out both stones, since Dave was already under anesthesia.  But the doctor said that the other stone was passable, so maybe that is why he didn't take it.  I teased Dave before surgery that we needed to trade him in cause he is falling apart, lol.  He has said either the Lord is trying to humble him for his calling as bishop, or Satan is working against him to keep him from doing his calling to his full ability.  Since he has been put in as bishop, it seems to have been one thing after another.  On the plus side, things are starting to look better with his health.  Knock on wood!
Dave before surgery.
I know things will get better.  I tease Dave that I'm going to trade him in, but I love him to death, and would NEVER do that.  He is an awesome husband, father, and bishop. :)

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