Thursday, February 20, 2014

~Lexi's Fieldtrip to Lee's Marketplace~

I have been on fieldtrips to grocery stores before, and to be honest, they were not my favorite thing.  So I wasn't upset that I couldn't go on Lexi's fieldtrip to the local grocery store.  However after hearing how much fun she had, I really wished I could have made it.
We have the best grocery store by us.  They are constantly doing cool things for the community.  I remember when the store had first opened up, Dave and I were living in our previous home.  One evening we came home to find a bag full of groceries on our front porch.  It was from Lee's Marketplace, letting us know they were new to the neighborhood.  The groceries they gave us were good things too. Bags of chips, a coupon for free creamies, apples, cereal, rolls, stuff like that.  I have shopped there ever since.  They are always doing nice little things, like having the Easter bunny come and passing out treats (which has become an Easter tradition for our family).  They have given me free donuts, 12 packs of soda, etc for coming in.  One time we went to pick up birthday treats for Mckell's 5th birthday.  The manager must have overheard us talking, and got on the intercom and sang happy birthday to Mckell and had a balloon ready for her when we went through the checkout.  Sweet things like that is why I love going there.
On Lexi's fieldtrip they did all kinds of fun things with the kids.  Like letting the kids go back behind the milk and say hi to customers who were grabbing the milk to put into their shopping carts.  Lexi's favorite thing they got to do was they got to scan a box of crackers at the checkout, then the manager put the child with the box of crackers up on the conveyer belt for a short ride.  So much fun!  It has been almost a month since this fieldtrip to the grocery store, and Lexi still talks about it.
Lexi and her little buddy Andrew, getting ready to head out on the fieldtrip.

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