Thursday, February 20, 2014

~Lexi has Found a New Bed~

Lexi has been having nightmares lately.  Well at least that is what she says.  She has spent the last several weeks, sleeping on the floor in someone's bedroom.  She starts off in her own bed, but in the morning we always find her in a new spot.  Whether it be on my bedroom floor, Mckell's floor, or Hunters.  You never know where you are going to find her.  What I love is in the morning, when Garrett gets up, he goes looking for Lexi.  And when he finds her he doesn't try to wake her, he just lays down with her for a minute.  So Cute!  He LOVES his big sister!

Garrett LOVES all his brothers and sisters.  Hunter was watching a movie, sitting on a beanbag.  Garrett grabbed his blanket and snuggled right up to Hunter to watch the show. I love that Hunter let him :)

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